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Retrain Your Anxious Mind Course

Get rapid relief in minutes and retrain your anxious mind to enjoy meaningful relationships and interactions with anyone with the Retrain Your Anxious Mind Course.

What Is Social Anxiety Costing You?

More than 83 million people worldwide suffer with social anxiety.

You are not alone in dreading and feeling sick at the thought of interacting with strangers speaking on the phone, or even blushing, sweating and trembling in social situations.

If you are exhausted, frustrated and want to reclaim your life, then this course is right for you.

How Retrain Your Anxious Mind Works

There are 9 powerful and transformational modules, mixed with 12 growth, reflective and interactive brain retraining exercises from award winning coach and therapist, Philippa Holding.

You will uncover, rapidly relieve and replace the root cause of the social anxiety.

The more you practise and master these techniques you will profoundly transform your current reaction to social situations, and install calm and increased confidence to socialise with ease and flow.

This Is The Perfect Time To "Take Back Control"

Yes Please, I Want It For Only


Here's Exactly What You Get!

9 powerful modules, 12 dynamic and transformational lessons with Philippa, an award winning specialist in mindset, designed to inspire, and deliver capabilities you need to take back control from social anxiety.

Access to some of the very best mindset tools and mind retraining exercises that rapidly interrupt those feelings of anxiety in minutes.

Brain retraining exercises that rewire the body and mind for increased calm and confidence.

Imagine how differently life will be without social anxiety controlling it?