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The SFR Games...

An Ultimate Strength and Endurance Challenge Testing Your Strength, Fitness, and Resiliency

The SFR games was created as the ultimate challenge for ambitious athletes and fitness enthusiasts looking to conquer an incredible physical endeavor. And in the process expressing your strongest, fittest most resilient self.

What to Expect

The SFR Games is a unique fitness challenge. Unlike other popular fitness challenges like Spartan Races, Tough Mudders and Cross Fit, The SFR games was constructed in a manner that aligns itself with how the body should be training year round; a manner in which we train to achieve adaptation (stronger, faster, more muscle, less pain), push and pull heavy objects, while also having the power and stamina to achieve basic fundamental strength and endurance standards that I believe a well-rounded human should be able to achieve. The caveat with the SFR Games is we put ALL OF IT to the test in 1 giant athletic competition.

Yes, The SFR Games is a competition. For some this means a competition against other great athletes or fitness enthusiasts. For others, it’s a competition against themselves, where simply training and being able to complete such a challenge is the biggest win of all. To be transparent, being able to complete the SFR Games means you have a very high level of general fitness. You don’t have to be world class athlete to get through it, but it is something I want people to have to train for. For highly conditioned, well-rounded individuals, the competition against other elite competitors will push them to a new standard of fitness.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of shape do I need to be in for an event like this?

If you're a couch potato, stay home for this one, and get in the gym so you can be prepared for next year. If you go to the gym and strength train regularly, have a decent baseline of body weight strength, are familiar with moving heavy objects and can run a 5k, then you'll be able to complete this.

What does the Winner Get?

ATP Labs Supplements, who is sponsoring this event, has given us cash prizes for the top 3 finishers.

1st Place = $200.00

2nd Place = $100.00

3rd Place = $75.00

What Kind of Training Should I do leading up?

Traditional Strength training (lifting heavy objects, building your base strength, push-ups, pull-ups etc.), along with conditioning work (hill runs, trail run 1-2 x per week for 30 min-1 hr.) and some work capacity sessions (getting a lot of volume of work in, in a short period of time - think As Many Rounds As Possible type training)