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ABC Sampler Class


Please join my newsletter to be notified about updates on the ABC stitch sampler.

The ABC Sampler Class is a place to learn some new stitches and/or play

with some old favourites from the comfort of your own home.

Learn 31 Stitches!

We will go through 31 stitches. And a couple of extra stitches may sneak in too!

You do not need to know dozens of stitches already to take part in the class! If you already know back stitch, lazy daisy stitch and running stitch that is a great start. All stitches will be explained from start to finish.

The stitches will have video tutorials where the stitch is shown more than once, both off and on the ABC sampler.

Please note: that there are no separate introductions on using a hoop, threading a needle or tracing a pattern, although aspects of those things may be mentioned during the course of the class.

What's Included?

The sampler pattern PDF, in two versions: horizontal and vertical layout. 

A pattern guide (PDF).

31 stitch tutorials, in video form .

Short videos about colour theory, colour schemes and how to pick colours for your sampler. Note: the sampler pattern does *not* include a list of colours to use, so you are free to use any colours you like.

It's A Stitchalong!

In this first iteration of the class, the stitches will be released in batches over the course of five weeks. Four weeks of six stitches and one week with seven stitches.

This first release of the class is also a stitchalong (which lasts 8 weeks to give us extra time to finish) and I will be stitching the sampler too. Hopefully we will build up a lovely gallery of stitched samplers and make some new stitchy friends along the way!

During the stitchalong I will send you an email every week as a wee friendly reminder to pick up your needle for a few minutes. It's so easy to forget about our creative projects, so I find it helpful to receive a reminder. These emails are intended to help us stay stitching but there is absolutely no requirement to finish the sampler during the stitchalong or even this year or decade! :-)

I Have Questions!

I am a beginner stitcher, can I still join the class?

Absolutely! You don't need to know any fancy stitches beforehand.

If you already know back stitch, lazy daisy stitch and running stitch that is a great start. All stitches will be explained from start to finish.

I don't know if I will have time to finish stitching 6/7 letters each week, is there a time limit on the class?

There is no time limit. Take your time and enjoy each new stitch. 

How long does it take to stitch each letter?

It depends on which stitch is used in the letter. Some letters have largeish stitches that mean the letter can be done in about 20-30 minutes. Other letters have tiny stitches and will require an hour or two of stitching.

How long will I have access to the class?
