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An Audience with the King-Five Chapters

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The first five chapters of An Audience with the King

The King says everyone has the same rights. But life doesn't show it.

Nelia can see people's envy in the shape of a gooey, green slime. Embarrassment surrounds them in a cloud of pink. Evil clings to people in a tar-like substance. And Shame becomes garnets that sparkle so brightly they could cause war. 

Some would call this a gift, but Nelia doesn't. All her life she's been too busy just trying to survive. She hasn't had time to think much about what she can see. But after war and famine and the plague devastate everything around her and take away what she holds most dear, Nelia decides life needs more than just a meager will to live. Life needs a purpose. 

This year she dares to go visit the King. The One in charge of it all. She goes not just to get her fill of peace on the outskirts, she means to step inside the palace and seek her purpose. The only question is; can the King give her that?
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