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Savings Calculator - Notion Template

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The savings calculator determines how many months into the future it will take to save for a particular item. If there is no start date applied, the end formula will calculate from today's date until start is filled.

The track savings database allows the user to add new cards for every input amount into a savings item. Upon clicking a new card, the monthly amount assigned to the item with automatically be added. If there is a custom amount you want to add instead there is an option to do so in the card.


- Does this work on the free version of Notion?

Yes, once you've made your purchase open the link in the Link.txt file to duplicate this to your Notion workspace.

- Can I duplicate this template to share with my team/friends?

No, this is a personal license for individual use.

Please feel free to contact me for any questions.
You will get a TXT (322B) file