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The Fallujah map in Squad is a large city map that features excellent graphics and terrain design, making it an ideal environment for tactical gameplay. The city is modeled after the real-life city of Fallujah in Iraq, which was the site of several major battles during the Iraq War.

The map includes a variety of imported assets, such as buildings, vehicles, and weapons, that are designed to resemble those used during the conflict in Fallujah. These assets provide players with an authentic combat experience, allowing them to engage in battles and operations that are similar to those fought in real life.

The map is also scripted to include various objectives and missions that players can complete. These objectives are designed to recreate the actual battles and operations fought in Fallujah, such as capturing key locations, eliminating enemy forces, and providing support to friendly units.

To further enhance the realism of the map, Squad also includes a realistic ballistics system and destructible environments. This means that bullets will behave realistically, and players can use explosives to destroy buildings and other structures in the environment.

In summary, the Fallujah map in Squad is a highly detailed and realistic recreation of the city of Fallujah, designed to provide players with an authentic combat experience. The map's imported assets, scripted objectives, and realistic ballistics and destructible environments make it an ideal environment for players to engage in battles and operations that resemble those fought in real life.

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