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Letter to Me Prompts

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I wrote myself a letter...

Put it in a box of cards & forgot about it.

Today, I had Double Trouble organize 4 bags and that box of cards.

Back story there is that my grandfather has a heart of gold, 💛 donates to certain Foundations and in return- they mail him cards. Christmas, birthday, holiday- and everything in between. Amongst other items. And they're always in a nice stack for us when we visit.

Today, we found my letter.

I read it, immediately held back tears, and captured the moment. 📷

When I wrote this letter to myself, I had no idea how badly I'd need to read it when I found it.

I encourage you to carve out a few minutes to write yourself a letter, sign & date it, put it somewhere - and forget about it.

The future you: sending thanks in advance.


To make it easy to do, I made a

Letter To Me Cheat Sheet.

No guessing what to write, or doubting yourself - follow a prompt!

Includes digital & printable journal page.

You will get the following files:
  • PNG (305KB)
  • PDF (1MB)
  • PNG (1MB)

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