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Golden Investment Opportunities
from the Mind of Mundus

  • eBook length: 120 pages
  • eBook file format: PDF

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    Golden Eggs is a catalog of lucrative business concepts from the mind of Mundus.

The catalog is intended principally for investors; corporate VCs, companies seeking to expand their product lines, personal investors, VCs, AIs, and the like.

 Always on the lookout for good opportunities and to diversify their portfolio, the mindful investor will find in the ideation listing hereafter a veritable goldmine profitable possibilities. Your Golden Egg features over one hundred highly lucrative business venture concepts in which to invest.



1. Introduction

2. One Hundred-plus BVCs
    Business Venture Concept (BVC) industry categories and the number of concepts per category (#):

• Apparel/Accessory/Footwear (4)
• Business/Finance (6)
• City Planning (1)
• Education/School (1)
• Energy (1)
• Entertainment (15)
• Food and Beverage (2)
• Health/Medical (3)
• Luxury (2)
• Media/Publishing (5)
• Office (4)
• Outdoors/Camping+ (4)
• Property/Real estate/Construction (5)
• Retail (3)
• Safety/Security (4)
• Shipping (1)
• Sports/Fitness (16)
• Technology (11)
• Tools/Appliances/Gadgets (7)
• Transportation (14)
• Travel (3)
(All told, over one hundred concepts are
offered for your consideration.)

3. Rights Purchase Agreement


Business venture concept presentation format

So that you may better understand the format and the nature of the content, please regard the following sample listings. These are actual investment opportunities appearing in the investment guide. The format and content style of these three listings is a fairly accurate representation of what to expect for all the listings.

  (Business growth service)
The innovative Bright-Biz website/app provides business growth ingeniously utilizing currently untapped, vital resources to boost virtually any company’s revenues, savings, efficiencies, and market share by 25 to 250-plus percent, offline as well as online.
From small enterprises to the Fortune 500, 80%+ of companies the world over will seek out this unique business-boosting service.
Freemium model sets rates from $0 to $100K+ per month.
First-mover advantages.

(Innovative backpack line)
TrekPacks backpacks, featuring innovative design features, stand apart from any trekking style pack currently on the market. Taking hiking and trekking to new levels of function, efficiency, and comfort, TrekPacks is the standout choice for hikers, campers, and outdoor enthusiasts one-and-all.
Patents can be secured.

   (Blockchain content monetization business model)
The PayMe-C revolutionary blockchain content monetization model commences a paradigm shift from free online content to a paid online content internet model. This ingenious blockchain service/DAPP (decentralized application) will, in effect, give birth to a global content economy, a new, prosperous economy in which even the most economically challenged individuals and developing nations the world over can participate and reap rewards.
An estimated four billion-plus internet users the world over will employ the proposed platform to consume content. With content payments averaging $2.50 to $25 per month, per person, the platform will generate revenues of $10B (billion) to $100B plus per month, $100B+ to $1 trillion-plus per year. The operator of this content platform stands to make a 1% to 10% commission on each user membership, earning this company $1B+ to $100B+ per year. Note that this earnings figure does not include advertising and other revenues which could easily double revenues. Needless to say, this is an extraordinary opportunity.
With four billion-plus internet users the world over becoming paying content consumers, the proposed platform, single-handedly, will give rise to a global content economy. Around the world, in developed and developing nations alike, this content economy will stimulate global economic growth, wealth production, and wealth redistribution, unlike anything the world economy has ever seen before.
The proposed business model solves the central problem of how to get people to pay for something they are used to getting, and expect to get, for free, namely online content. Indeed, how do you get someone to make micro-payments - pennies, even a fraction of a cent, let alone dollars - for the same online information, art, photography, music, video, and other media they have been getting for free for the last twenty years? Certainly, getting people to willingly pay for content is a tall task. The propounded initiative brilliantly overcomes the major obstacle of ‘FREE content’, creating an energized marketplace in which people will readily pay for online content of all types, profiting content providers in the process.
The platform also provides for a turn-key system whereby virtually anyone in the world with internet access can become a content producer and be paid for their contributions.
The proposed content monetization model can conceivably be set up without a blockchain technological base, although the use of blockchain technology makes the operating platform more secure, reliable, and executable, making the enterprise much more profitable.
The proposed, innovative model differentiates enough from, all other content monetization platforms, blockchain, and otherwise, offered to date to make said model unique and patentable. Patents can be secured.
* The valuation potential of this business venture concept is estimated at $300 billion-plus.


Most BCV descriptions are three to four sentences in length, though some are considerably longer as noted here in the PAYME-C example.

              What you do not get

• Please note, that the business concepts contained herein are outlined in general terms. The actual innovations, ideas, and concepts themselves are not explained in detail and are NOT EXPLICITLY DEFINED.

Concept details will only be revealed at the time of the presentation. Essentially, what you get are rudimentary descriptions of the venture concepts.



In your business, ideas are a dime a dozen, but every so often, in this mountain of trinkets, a gem shines through that captures your imagination. Contained herein the succeeding body of business and product concepts, more than a few such gems await you…treasures, ripe for the picking, just waiting to be mined. In fact, given the proper vision, leadership team, and resources several of the business concepts included have excellent potential to achieve fabled unicorn status. Imagine that, a bona fide opportunity to score a unicorn, profit billions, and make business history. Now wouldn’t that be something? Yes, indeed.


Enterprisingly speaking...

Every one of these BVCs presented hereafter is going to be purchased by someone. You need to ask yourself, is it going to our firm who takes a small risk for the opportunity of an enormous gain, or will one of our competitors move first? As you well know, first to develop usually gains a critical advantage. The party that takes the initiative will be the party that gets the ‘W’in. Stay ahead of the pack. Move first.

You know well that sometimes great innovation comes from outside the corporation; from a free, creative mind unfettered and unopposed by existing corporate culture. This is one of those ‘sometimes’. If you are seeking to create huge, new value for your company then you have come to the right place. Most of the innovations that follow address enormous market gaps. They provide extraordinary value to large (often global), underserved, if not untapped, markets. Avail yourself of the following innovations to generate massive value creation and propel your company forward.

Any seeking a highly profitable investment will want to afford close consideration to the following list of 'Golden Egg' business venture concepts. The majority of the innovations presented hereafter offer most, if not all, of the following values:

• Viable - Feasible - Desirable: A profitable,
doable, in-demand, superior solution for a
prescient problem

• Sustainable, competitive advantage |
Enterprise cannot be easily replicated | Little
or manageable competition - Opportunity to
lead if not dominate and own (target)
market / category / industry sector.

• Scalability | Associate economies of scale
and scope

• A unique value proposition

• A profitable business model

• Defensible position | Competitive protection
|Patent opportunity (often multiple patents)

• (Global) Mass market sales | Network effects

• Breakaway/Breakthrough innovation offering
5-15x more value than closest competitors

• Have passed preliminary customer discovery
evaluation examination

Naturally, each of the proposed ventures is not without its unique risks and challenges, but none of the challenges are so great that they are unmanageable or will result in an untenable, deal-breaking, game-over scenario.

I have brimming passion for, and confidence in, every one of these concepts along with a steadfast conviction towards each one's success.

Winners one-and-all, there is not a single flunky in the basket. If a given enterprise is adequately resourced and properly managed it has a high chance of becoming markedly profitable. After a painstaking evaluation process, many, many of my other business concepts failed to make the cut to the final 'Golden Eggs' list.

You know a good idea when you see one and here you will see many. Most concepts are expected to yield 10x to 30x+ ROI, but there are also 'Home runs' and even a few 'Grand slams' with a potential ROI that is much, much higher with several valuations exceeding $1 Trillion.



Terms and conditions apply. To qualify for a presentation...

1. A potential investor must demonstrate
proof of sufficient startup capital for a
given business venture.

2. A potential investor, or their firm's parent
company headquarters must reside in one
of the following regions:

• United States
• Canada
• Puerto Rico
• Virgin Islands
• United Kingdom
• Northern Europe (incl. Iceland)
• European Union (most no limitations)
• Australia
• New Zealand
• Brazil
• Costa Rica
• South and Central America (limited)
• Africa (restricted)
• Middle East (restricted)
• India
• South Korea 
• Japan (limited)
• ​Philippines (limited)
• Taiwan (limited)
• Singapore (limited)

Qualifications for investors residing in 'limited' regions are more stringent and those in 'restricted' areas more rigorous still. Investors not based, or residing in the regions listed above generally will not qualify to purchase a business venture concept.

3. To advance to the next stage in the BVC
acquisition process, an investor must have
purchased the Our Golden Egg book.

Although these are the three fundamental investor qualification conditions, other terms may apply. The complete RIGHTS PURCHASE TERMS agreement is included in Your Golden Egg.

Please note, these opportunities are intended for active investors only; wealth managers who are looking to manage 90% to 100% (rights) ownership stake and are prepared to take full operational control of the venture. If your primary interest is as a passive investor, Your Golden Egg is probably not in your best interest, unless, of course, as a passive investor you are prepared to assign a management team to handle the business end of things and to launch the venture.  

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