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SOLD OUT !!!🌹 100 copies !!!

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Congratulations you were the one hundredth 🌹🌹🌹person who purchased this book they'll be an extra special inside the box!!! 

Thank you so much this is (sold out)  100 times 🌹🌹🌹I'm waiting on the shipment as we all know shipments are backed up as soon as they are delivered I will post them back inside the shop. 

Living A Journal Life Hard Cover 

This is our first published book . It comes in a soft cover and a hard cover however I only have hard covers at the moment . As soon as the soft covers come in I will post them . You can also pre-reserve . I also have a beautiful similar color and it is a journal. I will put in tomorrow ,,they are soft covers & quite beautiful you can see these on my Instagram and my Pinterest you can purchase from Amazon however their prices May vary between my shop. 

ella's Victorian Vintage Journal 

 She's exquisite and sold out three times. 

All of our inventory has now arrived and I am able to redesign our new collections that have sold a few times in the past five days.  They are quite lovely and I must sees on our Instagram and Pinterest absolutely beautiful collection . 

 . Please view on her Instagram and Pinterest

I hope you enjoy her she's quite lovely.. 

To see a full review of her insides and clips go to our Pinterest at our business name and our Instagram. I  I also have a busy YouTube channel when I bring out all of my collections all under the same name. Instagram and YouTube will keep you up on everything that's happening with our shop as we are just starting to upload for the summer , fall and holiday season. If you would like to know more in the magazine again please check out our Instagram and YouTube it will be arriving in our shop here and on Amazon in the next few weeks. You'll find many different sections being added on over the next few months. 

Bella Vintage Notebook 

© Bella Vintage Notebook 

None of my physical items are available to sell once purchased they are under copyright of my business name and an ISBN in my own templates and styles

Customer Reviews

Gigi Hanna

2 years ago

Living a Journal life

I am so excited to own this gem. The information, the printables, the beautiful photos are fabulous. There are so many ideas and inspirations.
It’s a must have to all who is new or old to the world of journaling.