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Guayusa (Ilex guayusa) 1 lb

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Guayusa, a type of holly tree native to the Amazon rainforest, grown and hand-picked on a small family farm 

Guayusa has long been consumed by Amazonian Indigenous tribes and historically used for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In Ecuador, it is commonly steeped in water to create a beverage meant to improve mood and alertness—similar to the use of coffee stateside, but without the jittery effect.

One tribe in Ecuador even nicknamed the caffeinated drink "Night Watchman" because they believed it helped to keep workers awake through night shifts.

This herb helps with:
Digestive ailments
Rich in Antioxidants
Reduces inflammation of the urinary tract
Regulates menstruation
Infertility problems
physical agility improvement

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