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Crochet Pattern - Scarf - Spinter's Scraps

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Sometimes, when you love yarn and knitting and crocheting so much, you get the urge to spin some yarn yourself. Your mother-in-law gives you a drop spindle and some practice wool for Christmas, and you’re just so excited to get spinning!

Some of those first balls of yarn are… rough. At least if you had the same sort of start I did. A few go from chunky to lace weight every few inches, some are quite nice, however the guard hairs from the cheap practice wool make you concerned to actually wear the itchy thing. But you also don’t want to waste these natural fibers that you spun yourself! They’re also such small amounts that you’re not sure you could even make a decent dish scrubby out of them.

What are you to do?

If you happen to have a loom, ‘art yarn’ is super easy to use up! Bold and interesting accent pieces in your latest abstract tapestry! However, I’m sure I’m not the only one who took up spinning with knitting and crochet in mind, and did not (yet) have a loom.

So I designed this scarf, with those lovely loom projects in mind, and sought to create a forgiving pattern for less than forgiving yarns.

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