12 Tips for Visionary Vendors
Do you believe there is an art to vending? Have you seen others Vending and wonder how they seem to walk away winning, but you barely have anyone visit your table? Do you seem to set up at events that turn out to not have your ideal customers, no prospects, no real leads to follow-up on?
Download the Visionary Vendors strategies and let's get a view of the 12 tips to see how you can make your next Vendor opportunity a win-win collaboration and power partnership.
As the Host of an indoor Vendor Fair "Chic Boutique" the golden shopportunity I saw time and time again, certain vendors connect and soar, while others didn't. I've been on both sides of that fence and put together these timely strategies for Vendors who want to blossom, bloom and be blessed in the craft of vending.
If building relationships, networking effectively, serving repeat customers meets your vending goals and plans, you're in a great place to start and keep that going and growing. Let me know what tips you implemented and how the outcome was.
Meet me on www.daronda.com today to schedule your FREE consultation, or receive strategies for your upcoming events.
Click now to Download your winning plan and get the results that set you up to WIN at your next vending experience!