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The Beginner's Guide to Dairy-Free Living

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This book was designed for people who are suffering from lactose intolerance and people who think they might become healthier by avoiding dairy products entirely.

 Every year, millions of adult Americans suffer from lactose intolerance needlessly. People don’t need to suffer anymore. Contained in this book is a wealth of information that I have collected through the years as I shifted to lactose-free living. Lactose-free living is a lifestyle, it’s a diet, and it’s a whole new way of looking at things -- especially cooking.

 Part 1 of this book contains basic information about lactose-free eating and lactose intolerance. If you still have doubts about shifting to dairy-free eating or lactose-free eating, you may want to read the section “Got Milk?” because I explain what would happen if a person with lactose intolerance continues to eat dairy products. This section also has some information about how you can easily shift from regular eating habits to dairy-free eating.

 If you want more information about lactose intolerance, check out the section “In Focus: What Is Lactose Intolerance?” to find out what happens in the body when lactose sugar is not digested properly.

 I have provided a lengthy explanation of this condition so you can also explain to your loved ones why you are unable to eat dairy products. As for a general demographic of lactose intolerance sufferers, you’ll find that in the section “Who Is Affected?”

 Important distinctions and facts about lactose intolerance can also be found in the section “Quick Facts: Lactose

Here's what you'll discover in The Beginner's Guide to Dairy-Free Living eBook:

  • How to manage your lactose intolerance...
  • 3 little known, yet simple ways to include non-dairy ingredients in your cooking...
  • Secrets from experts that few people ever know about...
  • 3 proven steps to understanding how much your body needs calcium and how to supplement your calcium intake...
  • 2 simple keys (that are right in front of your eyes) to understanding how lactose affects your body...
  • WARNING:  3 things you should never do when it comes to lactose intolerance...
  • You'll discover in just a few short minutes surefire ways to know if you are suffering from lactose intolerance...
  • 6 time tested and proven strategies for treating lactose intolerance...
  • When to seek professional help when it comes to lactose intolerance...
  • 7 every day but often overlooked tips and tricks for picking the right dairy-free foods...
  • A pennies on the dollar approach to buying dairy-free foods...
  • How often to get treated for lactose intolerance...
  • How to cook without dairy products and recipes you can make...
  • The once famous but forgotten secret that instantly allows you to live lactose and pain-free...
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