Low-tech Magazine Volume II (2012-2018)
Low-tech Magazine underscores the potential of past and often forgotten technologies and how they can inform sustainable energy practices. Sometimes, past technologies can be copied without any changes. More often, interesting possibilities arise when older technology is combined with new knowledge and new materials, or when past concepts and traditional knowledge are applied to modern technology. Inspiration is also to be found in the so-called "developing" world, where resource constraints often lead to inventive, low-tech solutions.
This second volume has 257 images and contains 36 articles published between 2012 and 2018.
Contents table:
How to Build a Low-tech Website?
We Can’t Do It Ourselves
Ditch the Batteries: Off-grid Compressed Air Energy Storage
History and Future of the Compressed Air Economy
How Much Energy Do We Need?
Bedazzled by Energy Efficiency
How to Run the Economy on the Weather
How (Not) to Run a Modern Society on Solar and Wind Power Alone
Could We Run Modern Society on Human Power Alone?
Heat Storage Hypocausts: Air Heating in the Middle Ages
Why the Office Needs a Typewriter Revolution
The Curse of the Modern Office
How to Get Your Apartment Off the Grid
Slow Electricity: The Return of DC Power?
Power Water Networks
Fruit Walls: Urban Farming in the 1600s
Reinventing the Greenhouse
How to Build a Low-tech Internet
The 4G Mobile Internet that’s Already There
Why We Need a Speed Limit for the Internet
How Sustainable is Stored Sunlight?
How Sustainable is PV Solar Power?
Restoring the Old Way of Warming: Heating People, not Places
The Revenge of the Circulating Fan
If We Insulate Our Houses, Why Not Our Cooking Pots?
Well-Tended Fires Outperform Modern Cooking Stoves
Modular Cargo Cycles
High Speed Trains are Killing the European Railway Network
Power from the Tap: Water Motors
Back to Basics: Direct Hydropower
The Mechanical Transmission of Power (3): Endless Rope Drives
The Mechanical Transmission of Power (2): Jerker Line Systems
The Mechanical Transmission of Power (1): Stangenkunst
How to make everything ourselves: open modular hardware
Electric velomobiles: as fast and comfortable as automobiles, but 80 times more efficient
Cargo cyclists replace truck drivers on European city streets
The solar envelope: how to heat and cool cities without fossil fuels
This volume is also available as a paperback or hardcover book.