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Kouchibouguac Salt Marsh Wrap

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Lush mixed-wood forests lead to colorful salt marshes and warm ocean beaches. Offshore, golden sand dunes foster calm seas. At night, this Dark Sky Preserve is a celestial masterpiece. An important site to both First Nations Mi’gmaq and later Acadian cultures, Kouchibouguac National Park is an awe-inspiring all-season destination.

The triple twined cables of the wrap are reminiscent of the twisted waterways in the salt marshes, ebbing and flowing with the tides. The simple texture of the moss stitch body and border prevents the edges from rolling and provides a no-fuss finish. Short rows hidden in the moss stitch create a gentle curve at the middle of the piece, allowing it to more easily hug the shoulders.

Instruction Format:

The entire pattern is written; using written instructions for this pattern is optional.

The entire pattern is charted; using charted instructions for this pattern is optional.

Materials Needed:

  • @1000y aran weight yarn
  • 4.5mm (US size 7) needles or size needed to meet gauge
  • cable needle

Optional Materials:

  • a second cable needle for three-step cables
  • stitch markers to mark end of short rows
  • row markers to mark short rows

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