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The Orthodox Word #9

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The Orthodox Word #9
83 St. Tikhon of Zadonsk and His Spiritual Legacy by Gleb Podmoshensky
90 Bishop Theophan, the Recluse of Vysha by E. Sumarokov
97 The Path to Salvation by Bishop Theophan the Recluse
100 Orthodoxy and Modern Thought: The Self Liquidation of Christianity by Eugene Rose
102 The Icons of the Great Feasts: The Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God by S. V. Bulgakov
106 The New Martyrs of the Turkish Yoke: St. John, the New Martyr
108Orthodoxy in the Contemporary World [THE DEATH OF A SAINT. Farewell to Archbishop John in San Francisco.]
113 A Pilgrimage to the Orthodox Holy Places of America: The Second Pilgrimage

THE SPIRIT OF THE AGE in which we live is worldliness. Its agents, making use of the latest means of communication, flood the world. The sense of the ideal, the longing for ultimate happiness, love, and truth, which are inborn in man, when frustrated result either in crude materialism or spiritual sickness. Only God's truth is able to grant the needed fulfillment.
Yet the world is full of glimpses of God's revelation. Such holy thoughts, spiritual treasures, are man's constant companions. They are like grains of spiritual nourishment that bloom amidst the thorns in the world we see around us. And their function is to lead man away from worldliness to God.
As a merchant from various lands gathers various goods, and brings them into his house and treasures them there, likewise a Christian can collect from the world soul-saving thoughts, and by collecting them in the treasury of his heart can form his soul.1
1. The opening motto of St. Tikhon Zadonsky's book, A Spiritual Treasure Gathered from the World, which, together with his other major work, On True Christianity, provides the basic concept and obligations of the Christian life for today.
This spiritual treasure gathered from the world, when given proper Orthodox growing conditions, produces a living contact with the Creator Himself. St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, who so earnestly spent his whole life gathering this treasure, passed his legacy on to our generation. At the close of his earthly days he would restlessly spend nights on end walking in desolate places begging God to let him know what awaits those who are seriously concerned with their spiritual life. One night suddenly the whole sky was opened and the monastery was bathed in heavenly light and there was a voice saying, See what is prepared for those who love God and he beheld the unutterable blessings of that other world for which the Christian lives.
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