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How to cut a cake and other mathematical conundrum

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This is a book for the fans, for the enthusiasts, for the people who actively like mathematics, and who retain a sufficiently youthful mind that they can gain a lot of pleasure through play.
The air of frivolity is reinforced by Spike Gerrell’s delightful cartoons, which capture the spirit of the discussion perfectly.
The intent, however, is deadly serious.
I actually wanted to call the book Weapons of Math Distraction, which to my mind had exactly that balance of seriousness and frivolity, so I should probably be grateful for the marketing department’s veto. But with its practical cake-oriented title there is a danger that some of you may be thinking of buying this book to obtain some serious culinary instruction.
Whence this disclaimer: this is a book about puzzles and games of a mathematical nature, not about cookery. The cake is actually a Borel measure space.
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