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Fat To Fit In 8 Weeks

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"Paul, THANK YOU! With your professional training and encouragement to help me get into better shape. By eating properly and giving me the encouragement to get me to where I am from 209 lbs to 185lbs. I have lost 3lbs off my waist and have kept the weight off. CHEERS to you!" Jim Hunt.

Should I eat this or that to lose weight? Fat loss is a journey and one of the most popular talked about topics today. With obesity running rampant, people look for fast gimmicks to help them lose weight. One easy way to get fit is to follow an exercise regimen and control your caloric intake.

Fat To Fit In 8 Weeks will help you on the journey to become a leaner and healthier person by giving you the proper exercise regiment and nutritional guidelines. This book will have a training regiment and nutritional guidelines for both men and women.

When you become fit and healthy, this is what happens to your body:

  • increased energy throughout the day
  • ability to handle stress better
  • better self control over snacking and food portion
  • better sleep
  • increased self confidence
  • lower blood pressur
  • less stress on your joints(knees and ankles)
This book will feature chapters on:

  •  the major nutrients
  • understanding the energy equation
  • eating for fat loss
  • extra tips for fat loss
  • 2 examples of different eating plans for fat loss
  • healthy meals under 500 calories
  • training guidelines to follow
  • goal setting
  • a 2 week beginner fat loss training program
  • an eight week fat loss training program for men
  • an eight week fat loss training program for women

Are you sick and tired of all the fat loss gimmicks? The only real secret is being consistent with your training and eating. Order your 95 page PDF book today and start to lose those unwanted pounds.

Meet the Author:

Paul Nam was born in 1978 and has been a personal trainer for over 20 years. He started bodybuilding at the age of 18 and became the Junior Mackenzie Bodybuilding Champion at 19. He has since competed in over 25 bodybuilding, fitness, and martial arts competitions.

He has trained in Olympic style boxing, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, muay thai, and wrestling, and holds a red belt in taekwondo.

Paul owns a fitness studio(TheWorkoutLoft), writes books, builds mobile apps and fitness products.

For more works by this author, please visit:


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