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Yubiwaza 2.0

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This ebook can save your life from all the violent crime that is becoming rampant.

YUBIWAZA is not just an oriental art but a fusion of other forms of self-defense simplified for ease. 

It allows Americans to learn about simple ways to protect themselves from potential dangers that lurk everywhere. "secrets" of YUBIVAZA 2.0 are being released for public consumption for the Second time! This opportunity could be your chance to gain valuable knowledge on keeping yourself safe in today's world, where safety cannot always be guaranteed.

Although the nights can be treacherous these days, carrying a revolver or sword is not advisable!

However, with Yubiwaza 2.0, you are equipped for any situation without worrying about permits for firearms use. With just some simple study time spent on this unique weapon system - safety and security will never feel so close at hand again! 

So why wait? 

Start learning today how Yubiwaza could change everything in your life regarding personal protection during dangerous times like these.

Study Method

In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of Yubiwaza, it is essential to read through the book swiftly from cover to cover. 

This approach will enable you to grasp its essence quickly and efficiently.

To enhance your self-defense skills, consider swapping out reading the morning paper for studying one page of this book daily at breakfast time. 

Focus on mastering just one section per sitting rather than rushing through multiple pages all at once; remember that EVERY nerve center listed here could be crucial if you find yourself facing an attacker who is larger or stronger than you are! 

Refrain from skipping over any information - take it seriously and give yourself ample time to grasp everything presented within these pages fully.

Be proactive in safeguarding your well-being by taking necessary measures to ensure safety. 

Remember that you are the one who holds power over your life, and it's worth investing time into protecting it.

You Are Your Training Partner

Testing them firsthand is essential to understand better how nerve centers work on humans like yourself and potential attackers. 

Saying "ouch" when you find one that triggers discomfort or pain while studying the anatomy in this book's illustrations will help pinpoint exactly where it is located on your body. 

Remember not to apply too much pressure during testing, as doing so could cause paralysis or sudden blackouts instead of temporary numbness or weakness!

Yubiwaza is a powerful tool for self-defense, but it comes with risks. 

In order to ensure safety while practicing locating nerve centers yourself, it's best to do so in front of a mirror. Remember that Yubiwaza should only be used as a last resort when defending oneself from harm - never starting conflict. 

It's important not to underestimate the potential danger and take all necessary precautions during training sessions.

Weight is not a concern.

You can still defend yourself against a larger attacker regardless of size or strength. 

By applying pressure to one of their nerve centers with precision and forcefulness, even someone who weighs less than 100 pounds can break free from an assailant's grasp and neutralize them effectively. 

This technique is particularly useful when facing off against aggressive individuals much bigger in stature than oneself. 

Remember never to underestimate the power within!

Surprise is a powerful weapon in self-defense. 

Your attacker anticipates you will bite and squirm but never expects an aggressive counterattack from someone like yourself. 

This surprise gives you the upper hand as it catches them off guard, leaving them vulnerable to your attacks or counters without adequate protection. 

By capitalizing on this advantage over their expectations, you can effectively neutralize any potential threats posed by would-be assailants.

SPEED is paramount.

Once you've successfully broken free from your aggressor's grasp, don't waste time before launching into action. 

Waiting too long after breaking their hold may give them enough time to recover and prepare themselves against your attacks. 

So take advantage of the element of surprise that comes with this situation - strike quickly!

In a split-second decision-making moment during an attack situation where you've identified a small opening on your assailant's body with either fingers, elbow, or knee - don't hesitate! Smash into that area immediately before they regain consciousness. 

With lightning-fast reflexes like those of a bunny rabbit - even as just one woman- you can turn the tables and become their newest threat instead! 

This idea could save your and others' lives in dangerous situations when every millisecond counts towards survival.

Get Closer

In self-defense situations, proximity matters. 

By getting close to your attacker, you increase the effectiveness of any counterattack - so don't hesitate! With Yubiwaza at hand, go for it, and wham!

No Holds Barred

Yubiwaza is unique in that it allows for unrestricted creativity when it comes to grabbing or smashing objects. 

However, please don't waste your energy by flailing around aimlessly; instead, focus on one exceptional follow-through technique and ensure you execute it perfectly every time! 

This approach will help ensure maximum impact with each move while conserving valuable energy levels throughout the match.

Our science classes at school taught us that the human body comprises various muscles controlled by NERVES. Try touching one finger with another and feel how quickly you can sense its presence due to stimulation on a nerve endpoint. 

This knowledge of nerve centers will show you how widespread these important pathways are throughout every part of our bodies - from fingers down to arms or even necks! 

When touched harder, such as during slaps or other impacts- these same nerves will immediately alert us about any painful sensations felt in those areas. 

Our understanding of this process highlights why protective measures like gloves or padding may be necessary when engaging in activities where physical contact could occur. 

Using them correctly reduces risks associated with injuries while still enjoying ourselves safely.

Nerves Are Pain Messengers

The Science of the Nervous System teaches us that nerve centers are concentrated masses of nerves. 

When touched even slightly, these areas can cause a quick response throughout our bodies. 

Yubiwaza is an effective method for defending oneself by utilizing this principle as its foundation. 

By understanding how nerve centers work, we can better protect ourselves from harm.

It's a common experience - knocking your "funny bone" (on the elbow) and feeling that sharp but short-lived pain. 

This sensation is caused by striking against the ulnar nerve. Nov, if you knew where this peculiar phenomenon originates from, it could help alleviate some discomfort!

Sensitive Nerves.

Nerves can provide a reliable system of defense that allows you to lick anyone regardless of their size. 

This unique ability is one reason nerves are so valuable in the animal kingdom. 

This advantage allows you to protect yourself from predators and defend against threats easily. 

It's no wonder animals rely on such an effective mechanism for survival!

The Japanese studied these nerves.

Yubiwaza emerged due to centuries-long exploration and refinement by experts in the field. 

It remains essential for those seeking to understand how nerve centers function within our bodies today.

This fighting sub-system of Muryo Waza is a delightful solution for those who need more time for gym training and have no interest in hiring partners or building muscles on light bodies. 

Its simplicity makes it an attractive option that caters to all needs.

To ensure you can quickly locate and effectively target nerve centers during an emergency, practice locating them using this book's guidelines in front of a mirror. Time is limited when faced with an attack, so it's essential to know exactly where these spots are located without relying solely on visual cues. 

To maximize your chances for success, utilize all available fingers or even both hands, if necessary, by driving them like daggers into the affected area for maximum impact. 

Remember - precision matters most!


Have you ever heard of Yubiwaza or even

Yubiwaza 2.0?

The term Yubiwaza means "one-finger technique."

Many karate and Kung Fu styles use

Yubiwaza techniques.

A martial artist can attack sensitive areas in the body, pressure points, with only one

finger to disable an opponent and even cause death.

In hand-to-hand combat, a Yubiwaza technique can defeat "invincible" opponents.

Yubiwaza techniques have now been extrapolated from Karate and organized into their sub-style called Yubiwaza 2.0.

It is now presented in a graphical, organized structure with its application using the Muryo Waza Clock Theory!

Grand Master Eddie Vuittonet has effectively organized and graphically illustrated a set of highly specialized self-

defense techniques called Yubiwaza 2.0 from

Karate and Kung Fu styles.

The Yubiwaza 2.0 book illustrates the legal and medical implications of single-point attacks.

The Muryo Waza TDP and other self-defense systems can benefit from the Yubiwaza 2.0 book's overall presentation and easy-to-follow graphics, making it a powerful self-defense sub-system.

I "borrowed" the best techniques' out there' (secret or otherwise) and eliminated many pointless, complicated,

inefficient, or cinematic-type 'moves' to create what Muryo Waza is today.

As part of my quest to design the most deadly fighting art in history, I had to scavenge what I believed to be the most efficient and effective techniques from within the martial arts universe.

Then, I identified and scavenged many "Yubiwaza" type techniques from Karate. Kung-fu styles, i.e., moves from various martial arts systems that use a single finger or thumb penetration jab or "fat/loose skin grab" and all the most deadly "compressive attacks" (attacks to organs and framework) I could effectively create.

Thus, I created a genuine "Yubiwaza" handbook.

Based on the comic book ads and 'superhero' claims of the 1960s, I injected it with the modern-day spirit of the time, revolving around martial arts.

The original Yubiwaza pamphlet was useful and not a scam.

Still, it needed autonomy - not just the name "Yubiwaza" and the "rubber stamp" moves of Sosiushi Ryu Jujutsu; it required organization and structure to stand independently as a genuine sub-style of Muryo Waza TDP.

It also needed uniqueness, equations, and philosophy…to become an official, modern-day sub-style!

Now it's fixed...for all those "kids" who are grown-up and martial artists.

Those with fond memories of (learning) how a 97-pound individual can annihilate several 200-pound attackers carrying knives and broken bottles.

With my mixture of "actual" soft and hard school techniques that adhered to Yubiwaza's original purpose, I incorporated many unique Muryowazan concepts into the mix.

The Yubiwaza technique is considered extremely deadly, cruel, vicious, and executed by a "dirty fighter."

It is thus that Yubuiwaza 2.0 is born.

I have thus incorporated it into Muryo Waza and claim ownership.

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