SOP Remote Drone Operations Manual Template
On Sale
The Remote Drone Operations Manual, (with formatted Table of Contents), has been developed as part of a handyStandard Operating Procedures, (SOP) reference guide for your Company when required to make any form of presentation to the Regulatory Authority concerning the workings and content of your Commercial Drone Operation. In other words, this document highlights the needs of the business and how it has been formulated to facilitate the type of Drone activities that you intend being involved with o a Commercial basis.
This download includes guidance in the form of a comment section on each relevant page to assist you in finalsiing a professional Remote Operations Manual that meets your Company`s, as well as that of the Regulator`s, expectations.
This download includes guidance in the form of a comment section on each relevant page to assist you in finalsiing a professional Remote Operations Manual that meets your Company`s, as well as that of the Regulator`s, expectations.