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eBook: "101 Internet Security Tips"

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Type : short ebook

Format : PDF


Using the Internet for business and leisure is a necessity in today’s world. As the technology that allows you to work more efficiently on-line increases, techniques used by Internet criminals also adapts. While some on-line crimes are perpetrated only for the criminal to exert power by making your life miserable through damaging your computer, identity theft is a main focus for most Internet thieves. In addition to identity theft threats from hackers, computers can fall victim to viruses, spyware and phishing programs from Internet misuse. While you may think that high-profile or wealthy individuals are the common targets, most hackers are looking for any easy opportunity. The easiest opportunity, of course, is an unprotected computer. Your computer holds all of your most private personal and financial information, so proper security is a must to keep you and your files safe.

24 pages*

4,992 words*


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