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amelia head edit ( female )

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disclaimers ! !

  • do not buy this product!! this product can only be obtained by messaging me and showing me proof of purchase of the amelia head.

  • payment will be discussed in dms

  • if you would like something changed, added or removed lmk

  • instructions on how to set it up are included

  • you will be provided a code for 100% off after dming me ! ! !


what you must own:

!! if you message me about this product expect me to ask for proof of purchase of both products !!


commercial use:

  • allowed on for sale avatars

  • if you are using this on your commissioned avatar both you and the person doing the commission must own the original Amelia head!

personal use:

  • only allowed on not for sale avatars


tos ! !

  • you may not redistribute this asset unless i am made aware of it being for a commission

  • you may not claim this as your own, if edited after brought you must still credit me!

not following tos may lead to a blacklist or ban.


you will only receive the head and a transparent textures from this purchase!

ps. i also do paid commissions!

customer reviews ! !

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