Halloween Collection - Harmony Sheet Music for Strings
Sheet music (pdf) for ten folk tunes with a Halloween / supernatural connection. Five of them are traditional tunes and five are new compositions by me.
They are arranged in four part harmony. There are three versions of the score and parts for each tune:
* string quartet
* three violins and cello
* three violins and viola
You can hear what these arrangements sound like here. You will also receive mp3 demo recordings with this download.
The pieces included are:
* Fossegrimmen
* Tam Lin (Glasgow Reel)
* Wandering Witches
* Lyke Wake Dirge
* Ghost in the Chimney
* The Mullin Dhu
* Dolls That Come Alive in the Night
* A Yowe Came Tae Wir Door Yarmin
* Ragged Clouds Against the Moon
* Hag at the Churn
cover photo: commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Halloween.JPG
Citroulle préparée pour Halloween.
by Carole Pasquier
31st Oct 2004