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From Under My Blanket...Meet Me at the Laundery Facility

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Meet Me At The Laundry Facility
From Under My Blanket

Women lovers in prisons and jails have a good system, if one gets arrested the other gets arrested to be with them. Though they may steal their lover's drugs on the streets they will also drag them out of those same streets out of harms way when they are messed up on drugs, alcohol or both. They take care of each other and protect each other in prisons and jails as well as on the streets.

What goes on under blankets we keep to our self, mind our own business and be the watch-out. We're all this together and many like me for a long stay. Many women in prisons and jails have horrifying, heart wrenching stories of rapes and abuse most can't imagine. This is an introduction to the women who frequent prisons and jails and their circumstances that brought them to prison and jail.

Rapes, abuse and violence plays a big role on their state of mind making them think this is all life is ever going to bring for them. We sit behind glass while the mayor, government, state, county, and city officials walk by us everyday staring and scowling at us through glass. They look at us with contempt like we're caught animals.

We're criminals, drug addicts, dealers, prostitutes, alcoholics, and violent crime offenders. We are also victims of the same. We are creatures society wants to get rid of, lock up eternally forever to pick our brains to learn where the criminal minds birth. They have not found a cure for the criminal element, but attempt to rehabilitate those who are rehabilitative.

They make speeches of how they love the Lord, us and keep those votes coming. They love money, prestige, pool parties, lies, and votes this brings. We're societies cast outs yet making them richer and admired for doing society a favor by catching us and providing three hots-n-a-cot. I worked for thirty five years training managers and cooks so my taxes paid for my stays.
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