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The College Update for Parents

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Helping your child make the decision to obtain a college education is not an easy one.  What is even more difficult is making sure your child obtains a college education in a responsible manner.  And by “responsible manner,” I’m referring to the idea of obtaining a bachelor’s degree in a manner that accounts for the realities of today’s society and not that of yesterday.  You have the ability to help your child by reading this ebook and recieving a thorough but quick update on the new college landscape.  You can't expect to effectively guide your child to and through college if you're operating off outdate and partial information.

I provide recommendations designed to help you, the parent, keep your child away from student loan debt (or keep the debt to a minimum).  I also provide recommendations designed to help you guide your child through the professional development and discovery process.  By helping your child in these two areas, you are ensuring that they maximize the value of a college education.  The major sections in the ebook include the following topics:

  • The Declining Value of a College Education
  • Why College is Still Valuable
  • Student Loan Avoidance Reccomendations
  • Professional Development and Discovery Recommendations

Download Instructions
Right after purchase, you will be prompted to download the ebook in pdf format.  You will also get an automatic email confirmation after purchase that contains the download link.
We suggest that you download the eBook onto your computer or laptop, and once you do, you can then move to pdf to your phone or laptop if you prefer to cover the content on those devices.
If you encounter any problems with accessing your download after purchase, please email  Some email servers might lablel the confirmation email as junk/spam or even block the confirmation email. Should this happen, you can kindly email me and we can troubleshoot the issue.

Feel free to visit my site,, to learn more about the parental advising sessions I offer for parents (and those acting in a parental capacity) with children that are college-bound or already in college.
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