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Professional Editing Services for Fiction Authors

Perfecting Your Story

Contrary to popular belief, writing and publishing books has never been a solo effort.

It takes a team to produce a terrific book, and an editor is an essential part of that endeavor.

How do you know if you need an editor?

If you are:

  • A writer looking for an agent or publisher
  • A writer who wants to publish your work independently (self-publish)
  • A beginning writer who wants to learn more and improve your craft
  • An experienced writer who wants to polish your work to a spectacular sheen

Then you need an editor!

That's where I come in. As a seasoned editor, author, writing instructor, and coach, I want to come alongside you to help you achieve your writing goals.

I offer several fiction editing options and packages that can be tailored to meet your individual needs and budget.

I am currently accepting new clients, but you will need to schedule in advance of your desired completion date to reserve the slot you want.

Peruse my editing options and pricing below, then use the form to contact me with questions or to book an editing service.

Jerusha's Editing Services


One of the lightest edits, the critique (or the more in-depth developmental edit) should be done before a copyedit to identify larger issues.

The critique shows you what you are doing well and what you need to change before you get in too deep. I offer the critique for any length of work, including incomplete works.

The Critique includes:

  • Comprehensive content evaluation of strengths and weaknesses 
  • Will assess (but not correct) content elements including: plot, structure, pacing, character development, genre, language, style, and grammar
  • Critique will be given in written format (email or document) or, if you choose a Critique Coaching Session, via video chat
  • No notes will be made on the manuscript itself

The critique is also an ideal option if you want help with a work that you haven't yet completed. The critique can identify the reason for problems you may be having or steer you in the right direction before you've gone too far.


The most comprehensive editing option. The developmental edit should be done before a copyedit or line edit to identify larger issues and enable you to revise them.

Also known as a substantive edit, this is an overall edit of big-picture content that assesses your strengths and weaknesses but also equips you with the help you need to revise and correct the problems.

The Developmental Edit includes:

  • An overall edit with special focus on plot, structure, organization, character development, pacing, genre, theme, and style
  • Will provide broad and specific suggestions for improvement
  • Will make limited sentence-level corrections and suggestions as helpful to illustrate how revisions should be made
  • Will provide a Revision Letter with the details of large-scale strategies you can implement to improve your manuscript content
  • Email support included (for up to one month following completion of edit) to answer questions regarding the editing feedback
  • Optional coaching session can be added (for additional fee) to ask questions via video chat


This is the edit you want done when your manuscript has all the big content issues resolved or if your greatest struggle lies in sentence-level issues like style, grammar, and language.

The Copyedit and Line Edit Combo includes:

  • Sentence-level editing with correction of grammar, usage, punctuation, and spelling
  • Focus on improving language and style, with special attention to consistency, readability, pacing, point of view, character, and genre
  • Correction of factual and content inconsistencies
  • Corrections, explanations, and suggestions will be made directly on the manuscript using Track Changes in Microsoft Word


This is the final edit to be performed to clean up any remaining sentence-level errors or inconsistencies. I will only proofread your work if it has already been thoroughly copyedited.

The Proofread includes:

  • Sentence-level correction of final remaining errors after previous edits
  • Correction or highlight of typographical errors
  • If applicable, correction or highlight of typesetting and page layout issues
  • Corrections and observations will be made on the manuscript using Track Changes in Microsoft Word


Short Critique

  • Critique of the first three chapters (or less) of your fiction work
  • Synopsis or outline must be submitted with manuscript pages
  • Critique will focus on overall concerns including story structure, pacing, characters, plot, etc.
  • Critique will be given in written format (email or document) or, for an additional fee, via video chat (no notes will be made on the manuscript itself)

Comprehensive Edit

  • Comprehensive edit of up to 20 double-spaced pages
  • Developmental, line, and copyedit combined; includes markup of all found errors plus comments on overall concerns and suggested improvements
  • Enables you to see the corrections and revisions you'll need to apply to the rest of your manuscript at a lower fee than these three types of edits would cost for a full manuscript
  • Corrections and suggestions will be made on the manuscript using Track Changes in Microsoft Word

Pricing and Booking

Critique, Developmental, or Copyedit/Line Edit Combo (use contact form below to book these edits)

  • $3-$7 per page, depending on condition of manuscript and type of edit requested
  • Free sample edit of up to 750 words included for us to see if we're a good fit
  • To book an edit, contact me using the form below to let me know what type of editing you desire (I'll respond and ask you to email me with your sample)
  • Once I edit your sample, I will give you an estimate of the total cost of your requested edit
  • If the sample edit is the kind of help you're looking for, then we'll book your edit!

Budget Options (use flat-fee checkout below)

  • SHORT CRITIQUE OPTION 1 - Via email: $200
  • SHORT CRITIQUE OPTION 2 - Via online video chat (60 minutes): $300
  • COMPREHENSIVE EDIT - Via email and written comments on manuscript: $400

Meet Your Editor

Meet Jerusha!

As a professional freelance editor, writing instructor, and published author with over twenty years of industry experience, Jerusha has an editor's knowledge but understands the writer's point of view.

She loves to come alongside authors to help them make their written words shine with power, precision, and grace.

Before Your Edit...

If you want to book a Budget Option, skip this form and scroll down to select your option below.

If you'd like to book one of the full editing services (Critique, Developmental, Copyedit/Line Edit, or Proofread), please fill out this form to let me know what kind of editing help you're looking for or ask me any questions you may have.

Filling out this form is the first step to booking your edit! (I'll then have you send me a sample to edit and give you an estimate tailored to you.)

Budget Options Checkout

Short Critique Option 1 (via email and markup)


Short Critique Option 2 (via online video chat)


Comprehensive Edit
