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Natural and Safe Cholesterol-Busters

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There could be any number of reasons why you're reading this book at this particular point in time.  Perhaps your doctor has just told you that you have high cholesterol.  It could be that a member of your family has been told that.

 Perhaps you've experienced high cholesterol for a while, taking prescription medication for the condition, but not experiencing the results you believe you should. Not you're looking for other answers.

 Then again you may have just discovered the "dark side" of prescription cholesterol medication: adverse side effects.  You're anxious to reduce your dependence on drugs through more natural and safer means.

 Whatever the reason you're searching for natural answers to your elevated cholesterol count, rest assured you're not alone.  In the United States, 102.2 million adults have total blood cholesterol values of 200 mg/dL or higher -- which places them squarely at risk for cardiovascular disease.

 But more than that, more than 35 million of these people have levels that are greater than 240 mg/dL.  Numbers of this high mean these people are considered at high risk for heart disease.  Are you or a loved one among this group?

Here's what you'll discover in Natural and Safe Cholesterol-Busters: Secrets Your Doctor Won't Share eBook:

  • How to understand cholesterol and how it affects your body...
  • 3 little known, yet simple ways that cholesterol affects your health and your heart...
  • Secrets from experts that few people ever know about...
  • 3 proven steps to understanding the different types of prescription drugs that are prescribed to lower your cholesterol...
  • 2 simple keys (that are right in front of your eyes) to controlling your cholesterol with your diet...
  • WARNING:  3 things you should never do when it comes to lowering your cholesterol...
  • You'll discover in just a few short minutes how superfoods can improve your cholesterol...
  • 6 time tested and proven strategies for lowering your cholesterol with nutritional supplements...
  • When to seek professional help when it comes to your cholesterol...
  • 7 every day but often overlooked tips and tricks for exercising to lower your cholesterol...
  • A pennies on the dollar approach to lowering your cholesterol...
  • How often to get your cholesterol checked...
  • How to use herbs to lower your cholesterol...
  • The once famous but forgotten secret that instantly allows you to lower your cholesterol almost instantly...
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