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Elements In Balance

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Elements in Balance is a rectangular shawl with the shape representing unity of the whole. Worked as a sampler stole, each of the body motifs are motifs used in one of the previous five shawls in the Elements of Memory series, and represent each of the previous elements. The border motifs of the stole represent the word “synergy,” which is defined in the Cambridge dictionary as “the combined power of a group of things when they are working together that is greater than the total power achieved by each working separately.”

Materials Needed:

- 3.25mm (US 3) needles (straight or circular), or size needed for gauge

- 2 skeins Cascade Yarns ® Alpaca Lace yarn (@720 yards)

- additional circular needle for JMCO, to act as stitch holder, OR

- waste yarn for provisional cast on

- @15 stitch markers to mark motif repeats (number needed varies by section)

A Note On Gauge: 

While gauge is given for the pattern, I do not consider gauge to be vital for an item such as a shawl. It is more important that you achieve a fabric with a density and drape that pleases you, although do keep in mind that if your gauge is greatly different from that suggested, it will affect the amount of yarn you need to finish the project and the final finished dimensions of your stole.

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