28 Powerful Reiki Attunements
On Sale
This book contains 28 Powerful Reiki Attunements and healing sessions prepared for you. All attunements and healing sessions are ready to receive by any reader of this book world-wide. Attunements and healing sessions include a Usui Reiki Healing Session, Usui Reiki Attunements, New Usui Reiki Attunements, a Full Spectrum Healing Attunement, a Lavender Flame Reiki Attunement, a Silver Violet Flame Reiki Attunement, a Karuna Ki Reiki Attunement, Kundalini Reiki Attunements, an Imara Reiki Attunement, a Green Tara Seichim Reiki Attunement, a Golden Ray Empowerment, Gold Reiki Attunements, an Essene Healing Session and Activation, an Alpha Omega Healing Session, an Alpha Omega Healer Activation, an Axiatonal Lines Connection, an Orb of Life Attunement, a Medicine Buddha Reiki Attunement, a Higher Self Joy/Bliss Connection, Planetary Ray Attunements, and Cosmic Ray Attunements. This book also contains instructions for How to Attune Others, Usui Reiki symbols, Prayers and Meditations, and an Invocation for the Archangels. The purpose of this book is to attune a mass audience to Reiki energies to lift up the world in love and light. This book can be seen as an activation call for Lightworkers to wake up, to empower the reader to access Divine energies to assist with the healing of others, situations, and the Earth. To utilize the type of Reiki or other energy system in the book in your healing practices, simply express your intent and then say "(name of system) on!"
After purchase you will receive a PDF download of the e-book which contains the attunements, empowerments, and healing sessions. The attunements, empowerments, and healing sessions were created using a chi ball and are ready to receive instantly and world-wide.
The purpose of this book is to attune a mass audience to Reiki and other energies to lift up the world in love and light. This book can be seen as an activation call for Lightworkers to wake up, to empower the reader to access Divine energies to assist with the healing of others, situations, and the Earth.
I've set the intention that all who ask to receive attunements from me receive them perfectly and instantly the moment they call them in regardless if the attunement is prepared in the past, present or future and regardless of who the recipient is.
To utilize the type of Reiki or other energy system in the book in your healing practices, simply express your intent and then say "(name of system) on!" For example, "I intend to heal this person or situation or the Earth for the highest and greatest good.....Usui Reiki on!" Then let the energy flow from your hands as it heals others, situations, or the Earth.
Thank you so much for your interest in this material. Getting it ready was a privilege and a joy. I hope you have a wonderful time working with it.
May love and light be spread around the world. God's Will be done. Wishing God's Grace upon all of you. Many blessings to all of you.
The following are testimonials from others about the attunements and empowerments I have prepared:
"I would like to say that you have a wonderful gift, and to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the work that you are doing. The world needs more people who care deeply and love unconditionally as you have shown us all that you do."
-Jenne, U.S.A.
"Thank you Chris! I felt a cool tingling sensation down my right arm and was very peaceful."
-Ana, New Jersey, U.S.A.
I called in the healing last night. I felt a lot of pressure in my head and briefly in my heart. I felt quite refreshed, yet relaxed, afterwards and slept very well last night. Thank you!"
-Elizabeth, Rhode Island, U.S.A.
"Thanks Chris....I felt much presure in my crown chakra for a few minutes......then I was peaceful."
-Silvia, Mexico
"Dear Chris,
I feel warmth in my hands, and feel very relaxed. Then I go to a deep sleep. Thanks."
-Vasu, India
It was excellent. Thank you and many laughs and hugs."
-Leslie, Nevada, U.S.A.
"I went to lie down and I immediately felt a very tight bond feeling around my head, and in my head, a full feeling, and a very pulling stinging 3rd eye... that kept on going on, still does... I didn't see so much this time but I was surprised the energy was so strong, swirling around me. One moment I felt like I was blown up like a balloon and drifting off. Further my pulses were hurting a bit inside, a (slight, very bearable) pain pulling up my arms and my heart had a full (strange) feeling too (this heart feeling was in the beginning), can't describe it..."
-Maria, The Netherlands
"Dear Chris,
Thank you for the lovely attunement! I had waves of energy surging upwards from my feet up my legs then all over. I love that you have offered this. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
-Elizabeth, Rhode Island, U.S.A.
"Hi Chris,
Thank you for the healing. I was resting in bed when I called in the healing. At first I felt energy in my crown and then I didn't feel anything, but I know that when the energy bodies are being worked on we often don't feel anything. But at one point I felt to put my hand on my heart center and it became hot and tingly. Then awhile later I felt energy in my fingers of my left hand and the energy began to slowly move up my arm to my elbow. Very cool. Thank you!"
-Mary, New Mexico, U.S.A.
"Dear Chris,
Thank you for the Gold Reiki Level 3 attunement. I had taken it on 2nd Apr in the evening. I felt a little sensation/vibration in my hands and forehead. But few minutes after finishing I felt something (like wind sensation) is entering into my crown chakra. Thanks Again."
-Vasu, India
"I took level 3 on saturday. I felt relaxed and happy. Thank you very much."
-Alberto, Spain
"Thank you for the second Gold Reiki attunement, Chris! I felt a warm sensation in my chest this time, and tingling in my hands. It felt like a very gentle energy, and it felt wonderful. Looking forward to the next attunement ;)"
-Matts, Sweden
"Hi Chris!!
Thank you for this empowerment. I felt much heat in my hands and feet. Was very beautiful."
-BegoƱa, Spain
"Thank you, Chris !!!
I just love the energies, they are always so powerful. I called in the empowerment and I felt a lot of energy in my 3rd eye first, from there it went into my head and ran down my neck and spine, oh yes, and I didn't really feel my hands any more, they felt like energy-balls (or something like that:)) wow... wonderful energy...thank you very much...really loved it."
-Maria, The Netherlands
"Dear Chris:
I feel this energy softly and gentle. Thanks a lot."
-Claudio Mora, Peru
"Dear Chris,
Thank you for the attunement. I called it in last night and felt a lot of swirling sensations throughout and a lot of pressure in my forehead."
-Elizabeth, Rhode Island, U.S.A.
"Dear Chris,
Yesterday night I took the level 2 Kundalini Reiki. It felt stronger than the first one. Thank you."
-Alberto, Spain
"Dear Chris,
I have taken Kundalini Reiki Level 2 yesterday at 9 p.m. I feel some vibration in my forehead, third-eye and hands. Thanks again."
-Vasu, India
After purchase you will receive a PDF download of the e-book which contains the attunements, empowerments, and healing sessions. The attunements, empowerments, and healing sessions were created using a chi ball and are ready to receive instantly and world-wide.
The purpose of this book is to attune a mass audience to Reiki and other energies to lift up the world in love and light. This book can be seen as an activation call for Lightworkers to wake up, to empower the reader to access Divine energies to assist with the healing of others, situations, and the Earth.
I've set the intention that all who ask to receive attunements from me receive them perfectly and instantly the moment they call them in regardless if the attunement is prepared in the past, present or future and regardless of who the recipient is.
To utilize the type of Reiki or other energy system in the book in your healing practices, simply express your intent and then say "(name of system) on!" For example, "I intend to heal this person or situation or the Earth for the highest and greatest good.....Usui Reiki on!" Then let the energy flow from your hands as it heals others, situations, or the Earth.
Thank you so much for your interest in this material. Getting it ready was a privilege and a joy. I hope you have a wonderful time working with it.
May love and light be spread around the world. God's Will be done. Wishing God's Grace upon all of you. Many blessings to all of you.
The following are testimonials from others about the attunements and empowerments I have prepared:
"I would like to say that you have a wonderful gift, and to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the work that you are doing. The world needs more people who care deeply and love unconditionally as you have shown us all that you do."
-Jenne, U.S.A.
"Thank you Chris! I felt a cool tingling sensation down my right arm and was very peaceful."
-Ana, New Jersey, U.S.A.
I called in the healing last night. I felt a lot of pressure in my head and briefly in my heart. I felt quite refreshed, yet relaxed, afterwards and slept very well last night. Thank you!"
-Elizabeth, Rhode Island, U.S.A.
"Thanks Chris....I felt much presure in my crown chakra for a few minutes......then I was peaceful."
-Silvia, Mexico
"Dear Chris,
I feel warmth in my hands, and feel very relaxed. Then I go to a deep sleep. Thanks."
-Vasu, India
It was excellent. Thank you and many laughs and hugs."
-Leslie, Nevada, U.S.A.
"I went to lie down and I immediately felt a very tight bond feeling around my head, and in my head, a full feeling, and a very pulling stinging 3rd eye... that kept on going on, still does... I didn't see so much this time but I was surprised the energy was so strong, swirling around me. One moment I felt like I was blown up like a balloon and drifting off. Further my pulses were hurting a bit inside, a (slight, very bearable) pain pulling up my arms and my heart had a full (strange) feeling too (this heart feeling was in the beginning), can't describe it..."
-Maria, The Netherlands
"Dear Chris,
Thank you for the lovely attunement! I had waves of energy surging upwards from my feet up my legs then all over. I love that you have offered this. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
-Elizabeth, Rhode Island, U.S.A.
"Hi Chris,
Thank you for the healing. I was resting in bed when I called in the healing. At first I felt energy in my crown and then I didn't feel anything, but I know that when the energy bodies are being worked on we often don't feel anything. But at one point I felt to put my hand on my heart center and it became hot and tingly. Then awhile later I felt energy in my fingers of my left hand and the energy began to slowly move up my arm to my elbow. Very cool. Thank you!"
-Mary, New Mexico, U.S.A.
"Dear Chris,
Thank you for the Gold Reiki Level 3 attunement. I had taken it on 2nd Apr in the evening. I felt a little sensation/vibration in my hands and forehead. But few minutes after finishing I felt something (like wind sensation) is entering into my crown chakra. Thanks Again."
-Vasu, India
"I took level 3 on saturday. I felt relaxed and happy. Thank you very much."
-Alberto, Spain
"Thank you for the second Gold Reiki attunement, Chris! I felt a warm sensation in my chest this time, and tingling in my hands. It felt like a very gentle energy, and it felt wonderful. Looking forward to the next attunement ;)"
-Matts, Sweden
"Hi Chris!!
Thank you for this empowerment. I felt much heat in my hands and feet. Was very beautiful."
-BegoƱa, Spain
"Thank you, Chris !!!
I just love the energies, they are always so powerful. I called in the empowerment and I felt a lot of energy in my 3rd eye first, from there it went into my head and ran down my neck and spine, oh yes, and I didn't really feel my hands any more, they felt like energy-balls (or something like that:)) wow... wonderful energy...thank you very much...really loved it."
-Maria, The Netherlands
"Dear Chris:
I feel this energy softly and gentle. Thanks a lot."
-Claudio Mora, Peru
"Dear Chris,
Thank you for the attunement. I called it in last night and felt a lot of swirling sensations throughout and a lot of pressure in my forehead."
-Elizabeth, Rhode Island, U.S.A.
"Dear Chris,
Yesterday night I took the level 2 Kundalini Reiki. It felt stronger than the first one. Thank you."
-Alberto, Spain
"Dear Chris,
I have taken Kundalini Reiki Level 2 yesterday at 9 p.m. I feel some vibration in my forehead, third-eye and hands. Thanks again."
-Vasu, India