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The Business Owner’s Productivity Planner - 31-Day PDF Printable

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My name is Stephanie Rodnez, and I have been an online entrepreneur since 2008.

When I started my business, I noticed how difficult it was to accomplish tasks for my business while still working a 9-5 job. It wasn't until I saw a video from Dr. E.T. Thomas that talked about producivity that I realized my business would never reach the potential it could if I didn't work on it every single day.

And that's when I started using a business planner to help me accomplish my goals DAILY.

Sis, the momentum this created was incredible, and I was eventually able to build my business to the point where I could leave my 9-5 job and become a full time entrepreneur - all glory to God.

And I want to help you do the exact same thing.

And that's why I created The Business Owner's Productivity Planner, 193-page printable file downloaded to your computer that will help you get your business goals done each and every day.

Product Features

Product Benefits

If you've started a business online YEARS ago, but all of your responsibilites keep you from working on it and building it to the point where you can leave that 9-5 job, this planner is for you.

Click the add to cart button below so you can download it and start using it today.
You will get a PDF (1MB) file