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I Decided to Self-Publish Low Content Books…

Everybody Said I Couldn't Do This…

They Were RIGHT!!... I FAILED!!!

…Until I stumbled on this amazing secret and made over $13,000!! in 1 Single MONTH! (and I’m going to show YOU how I did it – I reveal ALL for you below… READ ON!)

Here's What 97% of KDP Book Publishers are MISSING!

If you’ve tried self publishing KDP books and failed, IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT there’s something the GURUs” don’t tell you.

To stand out on Amazon and get the self-publishing online success you deserve, you need to do MORE than just publish books… You need to create a BRAND!! And here’s WHY is this so important…

A “brand” let's people know you are not a beginner publisher (even though you may be) and a “brand” shows people why your books matter... In short, A BRAND is what gets people to BUY (repeatedly!) Stay with me here because most people MISS this (even the so called gurus)…

Lots of people “claim" to be able to show you how to publish KDP books for big profits but they are all missing this one VITAL ingredient – BRANDING! Branding is not a hard thing to do (once you know the secrets) and if done correctly, it has the potential to skyrocket your book sales.

I know… I’ve DONE it! … BELOW is from JUST 1 MONTH… and this is nowhere near my BEST month either! (Keep reading)…

And here’s the BEST PART! For a while now, I’ve been showing others how to do the same! Here’s actual feedback from just a few past students I’ve helped…

Thank you, thank you, thank you for this course! It's just what I needed. I've been playing with low content publishing for about a year now. But, the more I did, the more I realized I had gaps in my knowledge. Your course filled in those gaps!

— Jennye Guy

Your course is really good and no I am not just engaging in flattery. I have been combing through stuff on branding and KDP and printables and LCB etc. and yours does the best job and in a short amount of time plus it is very clear and up to date

Maureen Injete

I set lofting goals before starting this training. The depth of knowledge you have poured into this training is mind boggling. Thank you so much sharing your incredible gifted way of explaining with all of us.

— Mari MoseleyCannon

And NOW, YOU can learn how to create your OWN brand and line of low content books to sell on Amazon for passive income!

If you are willing to learn, I will show you not only how to publish KDP books (A to Z) but also how to create a killer BRAND that you can use to standout on Amazon, get your books the attention they deserve and boost your sales!

And it’s much simpler than you think!

Now before we go further, let me ask you a questionAre YOU willing to COMMIT to achieving the success you deserve?... If so, KEEP READING!!

Let me ask you a ANOTHER silly question…

This one is about Oprah…

Why Is Oprah Worth 2.8 BILLION?

THINK about this… Oprah's Book Club ALONE has been responsible for 28 consecutive best sellers. It has sold more than 20 million books and made many of its authors millionaires. It has earned publishers roughly $175 million in revenue.

How so?... SIMPLE - Oprah has a "BRAND"!!

Now, I'm not Oprah and I'm not gonna show you how to make a $175 million...

BUT... What I CAN do is guide you through the process of creating simple books for Amazon, that can open up the world of opportunities for generating passive income.

LOOK here…

Nora Roberts – Self Worth 400 million

Tom Clancy – Self Worth 500 million

Danielle Steele – Self Worth 600 million

JK Rowling – Self Worth 1 BILLION

What do ALL of these authors have in common? (Besides being rich)…

They ALL have a BRAND unique to them!

NO Writing Needed!

Here’s the nice part…

We aren’t talking about written books…Those take way too long to create… No, we’re talking about MEDIUM/LOW CONTENT books you can create in a flash with virtually ZERO writing!

Think journals, planners, puzzle books, coloring books, diaries, logbooks, and more! And UNLIKE “written” books, THESE ‘low content’ books are CONSUMABLE which leads to REPEAT SALES!!

Low medium/low content books are very simple to create. You can put them together very fast with virtually ZERO writing. And, in some cases people will often pay MORE for low content books! They have HIGH perceived value! The KEY is to have a BRAND… A brand unique to you! You can even create MULTIPLE brands under multiple pen names for even more income! (I show you how – read on)

Check this Out… In 2015, “mother and daughter” Terri Gick and Stephanie Fleming teamed up and cofounded The Happy Planner Company…

It went on to quickly become one of the most POPULAR “BRANDS” (yep, there’s that word again) of planners! TODAY the company is worth $40 million+ dollars!

Not bad for a mom and daughter…

Now here's the thing, you don’t have to be a “BIG CORP” to have a unique and attractive brand!

There are many “ordinary people” just like you and me who make solid 5 figure and 6 figure incomes self-publishing low content books with little mini-brands they create themselves! ONCE YOU KNOW the simple process, the world is your oyster!

I Leave NO Stone Unturned… Here’s just some of what I reveal in my flagship course!

I’ll show you:

✔️How to quickly and easily create POPULAR Amazon books with FREE software and with virtually ZERO writing! (with simple step by step videos!)

✔️How to “BRAND” your books in a way that explodes your sales!

✔️ How to create MULTIPLE brands for MULTIPLE passive income streams!

✔️ How to KNOW if there is DEMAND for your book(s) BEFORE you create them so you don't waste time on losers...

✔️ How to identify very low competition subniches where there are tons of hungry buyers!

✔️How to get your books NOTICED by buyers so you actually make sales!

✔️ How to use FREE A.I. to tremendously speed up and streamline your book creation and listing process (so you get more books out there faster with much less “work”!

✔️ How to use FREE A.I. to virtually instantly create irresistible book descriptions This ALONE saves you TONS of work, time and headaches!

✔️ PLUS much more!

And that’s just barely scratching the surface!... I show you much more!... I show you a holistic approach… “Books” aren’t enough… You need to create a BRAND… You can then create low content books for that brand… but I show you much MORE than just how to create enticing brands! – READ ON.

If You Are Tired of Creating KDP Books and Getting ZERO Sales, OR Just Don’t Know How to Even Start…

Your Journey to Getting Things on the Right Track Starts TODAY!

I’m here to take you by the hand and show you everything you need to do, step by step to build a low content book empire with publishing low content KDP books on Amazon (and elsewhere). My goal is to help you create EPIC brands on Amazon to sell low content books with for passive income.

So Who Am I and Why Should You Listen To Me?

So let me tell you a bit about myself and my journey…

I'm Kim, founder of YourChicGeek. I help people create EPIC products to sell online for passive income. I was looking for ways to make passive income and stumbled upon the world of KDP.

In 2021 I launched my self publishing business on Amazon and went from struggling to make sales (aka crickets) to having $7K, $11k, and even 13K+months!

With the knowledge that I've gained from KDP as well as creating other passive income streams, I've started help others do the same and achieve the same success!

My Journey… When I started, I Created 32 Books.

GUESS How many Sales I Got?

Here’s the TRUTH… I’m an ordinary person just like you. I knew nothing… I started where you are now. I made lots of mistakes… Mistakes I can show you how to AVOID… I was publishing book after book after book and nothing…

I Got ZERO Sales! I was Crushed.

BUT I REFUSED TO GIVE UP… Then something happened…

I Still Remember My First Time...

...earning passive income on Amazon!

I was (yet again) casually pulling out my phone and logging into my KDP dashboard to check (for the umpteenth time) to see if I had made any sales... Ready to be disappointed yet again… BUT WAIT!! My heart started to pound! Was this real?? I took a deep breath… I looked again… There it was!… It was REAL!!

That ‘magic’ little gray bar APPEARED!!

I MADE A SALE!! Actually I had SIX sales! I was SO EXCITED!

That would become a complete GAME changer for me.


Since Then, I Have Continued to Create MORE BRANDS…

I now have SEVERAL brands with MULTIPLE low content books in each!

And I’ve continued to document and REFINE my methods for creating successful books under successful brands!

NOW THAT I KNEW THE SECRET, it was just a matter of implementing the same steps over and over to GROW my publishing business and ramp up my passive income!

My experience (and my willingness to SHARE it) is YOUR ticket to getting on the fast track to building your very own low content book empire and building EPIC brands to sell them.

If you are SERIOUS about creating a passive income and building a REAL business you can be proud of and you are willing to put in some consistent effort, there’s no reason you can’t get to my level of success or even exceed it!

If you are willing to learn and commit to implementing what I show you, then you’ll want to carefully READ what I have created for you BELOW!

I’ll take you from ZERO to Hero in a flash!…

Inside this comprehensive multi-media course, I show you how to create BRANDS fast and simple! Even if you know nothing and have zero creativity! I ALSO show you everything else – How to create your books with FREE software, how to upload your books to Amazon and much more!


From Publish to Profit is a self-paced multi-media course that shows you step by step how to build an EPIC low or medium content book publishing business for passive income.

The course features 7 Course Modules with 20+ “simple to follow” Video Lessons that Show you Step by Step How to Create EPIC Brands to Sell Low Content Books for Passive Income!

It’s geared to ‘complete newbies’, and ‘veteran publishers’ alike! (and everyone else in between!)

Inside my comprehensive course, you get FULL lifetime access to Videos, templates, FREE resources, and more. I also reveal which FREE software, and FREE tools I use to create books and much more!

You will learn:

✔️ How to CREATE your books quick and easy in Canva (FREE)! Even if you have zero tech skills your book interiors will look great!

✔️How to AVOID crucial mistakes that can KILL your sales and your business!

✔️ How to UPLOAD your book(s) to Amazon step by step! Watch over my shoulder as I upload a book before your very eyes, price it, select categories, and all the rest!…

✔️How to create enticing book descriptions in a flash using AI (also FREE!) – No more “writer’s block” or staring frustrated at a blank page!

✔️ How to come up with great book titles customers can’t resist!

✔️ How to find LOW COMPETITION subniches filled with hungry buyers! LESS Competition means MORE SALES and MORE PROFIT for YOU!

✔️ My favorite pricing strategy to kickstart your sales and increase long term profits!

✔️ How to keep your files organized so you can easily and quickly get what you need when you need it!  This ALONE will save you tons of time and needless grief!

✔️ How to KICKSTART your sales for any new book!

✔️ How to easily and painlessly get TONS of book reviews for ALL your books! This ALONE can dramatically increase your book sales!

✔️ How to easily create EPIC looking book covers that are irresistible (with FREE software) even if you have ZERO tech skills and not a single creative bone in your body!

And so much more!

In short, I take you by the hand and guide you through every step of the publishing process A to Z!

And I Don’t Stop There! I also show you…

How to add A+ Content quick and easy to make your books REALLY STAND OUT! →→ A+ Content allows you to add images, text, and comparison tables to your Amazon detail page to engage readers!

Stay With Me Here Because I Have more… LOTS MORE!...

I also show you:

✔️ How to add ‘scannable’ QR codes to your books to promote your other books!

✔️ How to build an attractive landing page FREE! (with NO tech skills needed!) and build an email list of LOYAL repeat buyers!

✔️ How to market to your email list effectively to get even more sales! – I even supply email templates!

✔️ How to grow your sales and brand with Amazon Ads! [Optional but effective!] In fact, I show you TWO ways!

✔️ How to BANK extra (passive) income by partnering with Local Bookstores! Again, so simple yet so PROFITABLE!

✔️ My own personal bank of (editable) KDP BOOK INTERIOR and COVER templates made with Canva! Use these templates to speed up the creation of your own books!

I even include a “CASE STUDY” Video showing you How I Grossed a $700.00 PROFIT ($600.00+ NET after vendor fee) in ONE Day at 1 Local Event!

In summary, I take you by the hand and give you EVERYTHING YOU NEED to build a low content book publishing EMPIRE

And then some!!

If you’ve DREAMED about building a fun and creative business with the potential to bring in massive profits that:

✔️ That has the potential to generate very generous consistent passive FULL TIME income for a very PART TIME effort…

✔️ A TRULY SERIOUS business that you can be PROUD to show off to friends and family...

Then...I invite you to join me in From Publish to Profit.

Now you’re probably wondering how much you will need to invest to secure your lifetime access to the course.

Well to be honest, I could charge thousands for the course and all of the resources that you will get access to if you decide to join.

But I made a decision to try to make it more accessible to aspiring and veteran publishers alike that want to jump into the low content book publishing world.

But...before I reveal the total investment for the course, let me outline everything you are getting in EACH of my SEVEN in depth course modules…

The course includes 7 modules with 20+ video lessons that will teach you everything you need to about building an EPIC brand to sell low content books with that includes:

  • Module 1:  Unlocking the Secrets of Six and 7 Figure Brands: In this module of the course, we're going to take a deeper look into how several 6 and 7 figure independent publishers are raking in major cash with low content books + discover proven strategies and techniques to create a powerful brand that captivates readers and drives sales for your low or medium content books on Amazon KDP.

  • Module 2: Creating an EPIC Brand Identity: In this module of the course, you will learn tips for gaining a competitive sales and marketing edge with the POWER of branding and how you can use branding to sell more books!

  • Module 3: Niche Research and Validation: Here’s the thing: the low content book market is competitive. In this module, you will learn strategies for finding very low competition where there are tons of hungry buyers plus get tips for identifying profitable sub-niches “with low competition” as well.

  • Module 4: Designing EPIC Looking Books that are Irresistible to Buyers: You only have a split second to make a great first impression. In this module, you will learn tips for outshining your competitors by harnessing the power of branding. Here you will get tips on how to create visually stunning book covers (even if you are not a designer), compelling descriptions, and engaging author profiles that will make your books look polished and professional to potential buyers.

  • Module 5: Launching your Books Like a CHAMP: In this module, you will learn to simple yet effective launch strategies, marketing plans and promotions plans to get your books in front of the right audience (without breaking the bank)

  • Module 6: Marketing and Growing your Brand: You’ve launched your low content books now what? In this module of the course we will go through some effective book promotions strategies that go beyond basic advertising. Here you will learn simple and effective strategies to kickstart sales for any book using social media, email marketing and advertising through Amazon ads.

  • Module 7: Scaling your Business By Releasing More Books: In this module, we will discuss tips for scaling your brand by releasing more books for long term success. This includes tips for growing your low content book brands and building a loyal customer base to get REPEAT sales.

PLUS…you will also get some of these fab extras:

✔️ My personal list of FREE tools I use to make my publishing (and yours) much faster and easier!

✔️ A Niche Tracker Organizing Spreadsheet (Helps you stay organized, and you never lose a great book idea!)

✔️ Font Pairing and Color Palette Selection tools for keeping your brand(s) consistent and attractive!

✔️ A Pen Name generator for creating MULTIPLE brands without wracking YOUR Brain!

✔️ A Google Docs “copy & paste” book upload template you can use to tremendously speed things up when uploading your books to Amazon! (keeps everything organized, makes uploading a breeze!)

But Wait...That's Not All, There's Still More!

I’VE GOT FREE BONUSES For You Worth Over $400!

I wanted to make ENROLLING a “NO BRAINER” decision for you!


If you decide to join me in the course you will get to watch me build a NEW brand and line of books that are LIVE on KDP from scratch. It’s like having me come to your home and show you exactly what I do!

Plus get access to these bonuses worth $400 that include:

BONUS #1 ($97 Value) The KDP Low Content Book Starter Kit

This kit is a huge bundle of editable design templates that can be used by you to quickly create and customize top quality low content books, such as journals, planners, and notebooks. This kit includes done for you low content book interiors and book covers that can be customized in Canva to help you get on the fast track to creating your first low content book with ease!

BONUS #2 ($100 Value) The Low Content Book Marketing Kit

This is a collection of top quality resources and tools that can be used to promote and market your low content books like a CHAMP on social media platforms. If you HATE promoting, you’ll LOVE this package! It includes done-for-you marketing swipe files, hashtags to help your posts stand out, marketing graphics that you can edit and customize in Canva, a social media marketing toolkit with a list of the TOP tools you can use to market your low content books online like a champ.

BONUS #3 ($197 Value) From Publish to Profit Private Community

I don’t just abandon you after the ‘sale’. Within your course, you get access to my PRIVATE Facebook group community where you can interact with other students; share and get ideas, get valuable feedback on your designs, and encourage each other, These are people just like me and you. Together we can help each other!

and YES, I’m there too so you have quick help whenever you need it!

You also get FREE UPDATES!! at ZERO COST!!!!

Again, I don’t just abandon you after the ‘sale’. I continually add to and UPDATE your From Publish To Profit course… And once enrolled, you get any/all updates and added material completely FREE!

I’m SO CONFIDENT that you will be thrilled with everything you get inside your course, I’m going to Back It Up with my IRON CLAD 14 DAY 100% MONEY BACK no questions asked Guarantee!

YOUR HAPPINESS is worth more to me than a few dollars so I am more than happy to honor the above guarantee – Take a FULL 2 WEEKS to examine everything in your course.

If you are not THRILLED with the course modules, materials, and all the bonuses for any reason, I will refund you in FULL so you are not out one single penny. No questions asked!

Enroll in From Publish to Profit today and take the first step towards building your own low content book empire.

For a Limited Time You Can Get Access To Course + 3 Bonuses A Total Value = $748

Yours Today For Just $177 or 3 Payments of $83

So what are you waiting for?

Enroll in From Publish to Profit today and take the first step towards building your own low content book empire. 

I hope to see you inside the course!

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per month for 3 months

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per month for 6 months

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