Aquarium Field Trip Response Sheets
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This download includes TWO different layouts with the same questions which are specifically made for field trips to the aquarium. This are perfect to include in journals or to take home so the students can share with their parents their experience. Students will get to share what was the most interesting creature, their favorite part, sketch a creature they saw, tell how many times they've visited before and rate the trip.
The field trips are always fun but, you know what puts the cherry on top? The memories. We visited the Houston Aquarium recently and it was amazing! When we returned to the classroom we got to fill the sheet included in this download and golly the responses were amazing. Kindly asked if anyone wanted to share what they had written and everyone enjoyed hearing everyone's experience. It's a reminder of how we can all be in one place and have different experience/perspective with what's around us.
Total 5 pages.
The field trips are always fun but, you know what puts the cherry on top? The memories. We visited the Houston Aquarium recently and it was amazing! When we returned to the classroom we got to fill the sheet included in this download and golly the responses were amazing. Kindly asked if anyone wanted to share what they had written and everyone enjoyed hearing everyone's experience. It's a reminder of how we can all be in one place and have different experience/perspective with what's around us.
Total 5 pages.