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Overview of Interpersonal Communication

Why Humans Have Trouble Listening - And It Isn't Your Fault!

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What you will get in this course

Couple in trouble

Why Are So Many Arguments Caused By Minor Incidents?

Small everyday incidents can become major if they aren't spoken about. Anxiety builds until it is too much for the person.

Then we have 'The Straw That Broke The Camels Back' incident that is driven by pent up frustration and anger. Now emotion is in the drivers seat and rational thought is over ridden erupting into full blown arguments that can destroy a relationship.

Why does this happen?

Psychology refers to this as the Amygdala hijack. This occurs when the amygdala activates the fight-or-flight response even when there is no serious threat to a person’s safety.

During amygdala hijack, the person may not be able to develop a rational response.

You can change this turning a negative into a positive boosting the depth and quality of your relationships and enriching your life.

This Model Saved My Marriage. Alan Cox

Have you ever noticed that sometimes arguments flare up becoming heated unexpectedly over a seemingly small event?

These videos explore why this is so and provides a simple solution.

When my wife and I had been married for 20 years we were on the verge of separation.

However, we applied the simple solution provided and I believe that it was instrumental in saving our marriage.

We are now celebrating our 55th wedding anniversary.

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Overview of Interpersonal Communication


Harness the Incredible Power of Your Brain

If your Doctor or car mechanic can't diagnose the problem how can they find a solution?

In this section we show you how:

  1. You can use more of your incredible brain to become a master communicator.
  2. A proven model that can reduce conflict and enrich your relationship.