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Season 1, Episode 21 - Kinky Friedman (ABOUT THE AUTHORS TV)

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Kinky Friedman, along with the national fame he received in 2006 running for Governor of Texas as an independent candidate who took 12% of the popular vote, is among Texas’s most popular country music arists, thanks to classic albums like Sold American and Resurrection. With hits spanning from the early 70s like “Ride Em Jewboy” thru present day with”Mandela’s Blues,” nearly 30 years ago, he launched a 2nd career as a Detective novelist with hits like Greenwich Killing Time, A Case of Lone Star, When the Cat’s Away, Frequent Flyer, Elvis Jesus and Coca Cola, God Bless John Wayne, Armadillos and Old Lace, The Prisoner of Vandom Street, The Mile High Club, Road Kill, Meanwhile Back at the Ranch and Steppin’ On a Rainbow!
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