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Dogwalker's Mittens

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Here’s to the dogs in our lives that drag us out the door in every kind of weather. Here’s to walking in summer heat and winter cold. To potty training in the yard at 3:00am, and to slow evening strolls with a faithful grey-muzzled companion. And here’s to you, dog owners, for wearing all the layers so that your four legged friends can go bounding through the snow drifts in the teeth of a blizzard.

These warm stranded mittens have an extended cuff to block those fingers of winter that creep up coat sleeves. They are worked at a tight gauge for extra wind resistance. Because the mittens are fairly snug, the left and right thumb gussets are positioned slightly differently for a more natural fit.

Materials Needed:

- 3.75mm (US 5) circular needle or dpns for working small circumference or size needed for gauge

- 3.5mm (US 4) circular needle or dpns for working small circumference or one size smaller than needle used for gauge

- Small @97y Main Colour and @49y Contrast Colour worsted weight yarn

- Medium @122y Main Colour and @62y Contrast Colour worsted weight yarn

- Large @145y Main Colour and @73y Contrast Colour worsted weight yarn

- Scrap yarn or flexible stitch marker

- Darning needle

- Stitch marker for start/end of round (optional)

Gauge: 22 sts x 27 rows = 10cm (@4”)

Gauge is given for the unblocked stranded motif worked in the round.

Estimated Finished Sizes (measured around the hand below the first finger knuckles):

small = @6” hand circumference

medium = @7” hand circumference

large = @8” hand circumference

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