Run in London - St.James Park & Green Park
Distance : 6.5km (3.7miles)
Elevation : flat
Here is a suggestion of run in St-James Park and Green Park, to make sure to get the very best of this two parks close to some of London's most famous landmarks.
Starting at Westminster underground station, topped by Big Ben, we will take you to the St-James Lake that you'll cross on a bridge offering a nice view to Buckingham Palace. You'll run close to the Palace before entering Green Park. You will then run on The Royal Mall's red carpet, before a short detour to St-James Gardens. Of cours you won't miss the Admiralty Arch, and the more than iconic Horse Guards (if there is no parade you will even cross their building, straight to Embankment, the Thames shore, to get back to the start of this loop.
Courir à Londres - Une petite proposition de run dans les parcs de St-James et Green Park, pour être sûr d'en voir le meilleur, ainsi que quelques-uns des monuments les plus emblématiques de Londres, qui sont vraiment à proximité.
*5 London parks runs full package here*
More infos and suggestion for London Parks running here.
All other's sightrunning routes, in London or other places, are available here as .gpx files or here as self-audioguided running-tours