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Family Fasting Tracker Tool

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A very simple concept developed over many years, this helpful tool helps larger families keep track of everyone's missed days, so parents can encourage their children to make up the days they missed and keep track of what still needs to be made up.

Print it out and post it in a central place in the house, so everyone can update it daily. Our family puts this on the refrigerator. Larger families may need to print out more than one page.


  • Strengthens one's awareness of Arabic numbers.
  • Encourages thinking in Arabic and interacting with Arabic on a basic level.
  • Practically keeps us aware of our responsibility to make up missed days from Ramadhaan afterwards.

Grab your copy for free (by changing the price to $0.00), or pay whatever is easy for you, as a kind show of support for our work, and may Allah reward you generously.

You will get a PDF (75KB) file

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