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Atlas Pi shawl - knitting pattern

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A large, squishy, semi-circular accessory, the Atlas Pi shawl is knit mostly in comforting garter stitch, with a final section of Ostrich Plumes lace. The miles of garter are perfect for mindless TV knitting, or for a simple project you can put down and pick up easily. Then the fun starts with the lace - though a simple pattern (only 1 in 4 rows has lace stitches!), the stitches keep you enthralled; watch how the fabric undulates as it grows from the needles.

A large, comforting project, this shawl is sure to keep your hands busy while emptying your mind of thought. Once finished, it will keep your shoulders warm along with your soul.

Materials/notions required:
Yarn: My Spin On Things 50% silk/50% merino 4 ply yarn, 100g/420m/459yds. 2 skeins - 1 each for MC and CC. Unnamed colourways used in sample.
Needles: 4mm/US 6 circular needle 40” or longer (shawl is worked flat; circular needle is recommended due to the large number of stitches)
Notions: 2 stitch markers (if desired), 1 removable marker (if desired), darning needle

1.5 repeats st repeats and 1 row repeat = 4” (10cm) in Ostrich Plume stitch (see final lace section) (blocked). Gauge is not crucial for this project but yardage requirements may change if gauge is not achieved.

Approx 138cm/54.5” (wingspan) x 60.5cm/24” (depth)

This pattern has been professionally tech edited and test-knit.
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