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Charles de Gaulle Aircraft Carrier

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The Charles De Gaulle is a French Aircraft Carrier, it is nuclear powered and the only Nuclear Powered Ship outside of the United States Navy. 

The ship carries a complement of Dassault Rafale M and E-2C Hawkeye aircraft, AS365F Dauphin Pedro, EC725 Caracal and AS532 Cougar helicopters for combat search and rescue, as well as modern electronics and Aster missiles. She is a CATOBAR-type carrier that uses two steam catapults of a shorter version of the catapult system installed on the US Nimitz-class aircraft carriers.

The Charles de Gaulle Aircraft Carrier comes with the following:

- Scripted with Aerotech

- Working CIWS

- Working Aircraft Welds and Aircraft Lifts

- Interior and Bridge with offices and briefing rooms

- Realistic Deck with full markings
You will get a RBXM (2MB) file

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