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Moonrise Over Imladris

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… The moon was shining in a broad silver crescent. He held up the map and the white light shone through it. “What is this?” he said. “There are moon-letters here, beside the plain runes which say ‘five feet high the door and three may walk abreast’.” … “These must have been written on a midsummer’s eve in a crescent moon, a long while ago.”

-- Elrond of Rivendell speaks in the Hobbit, written by J.R.R. Tolkien

Moonrise Over Imladris is a square cushion cover worked in two colours of fingering weight yarn, with two finishing options.

The pattern is worked for the main part in the round; the bottom edge is seamed together after knitting, and the top edge is closed with a zipper. The optional top flap is worked flat with an icord edging added, and closes with two buttons. It is recommended that the flap version also be closed with a zipper under the flap.

Materials Needed: plain zipper version

  • @280 yards main colour fingering or light sport weight yarn
  • @150 yards contrast colour fingering or light sport weight yarn
  • 3mm (US 2.5) circular needle or size needed for gauge
  • 33cm (13”) zipper
  • end of round stitch marker
  • repeat stitch markers (@32)
  • darning needle for sewing bottom seam

Materials Needed: top flap version

  • @320 yards main colour fingering or light sport weight yarn
  • @180 yards contrast colour fingering or light sport weight yarn
  • 3mm (US 2.5) circular needle or size needed for gauge
  • optional 3mm (US 2.5) straight needles or size needed for gauge for working the flap
  • 33cm (13”) zipper
  • end of round stitch marker
  • repeat stitch markers (@32)
  • two buttons
  • darning needle for sewing bottom seam

A Note On Gauge:

It is important to keep in mind that for many people, their gauge knitting flat and their gauge knitting in the round are different. Therefor, if you are planning to work the flap version of the pattern I recommend making two swatches, one flat and one in the round.

A Note On Size:

Only one size is given for this pattern; if you wish to make a larger cushion cover, I recommend using heavier yarn and thicker needles rather than attempting to adjust the pattern motifs.

Instruction Style:

The pattern is fully written. Additionally, the colourwork motifs are charted as is the optional flap. Some use of written instructions is required for the charted version.

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