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Let's do this work together!

A transformative workshop to help you identify and reframe limiting beliefs around money and step into financial abundance without feeling overwhelmed or stuck in old patterns

Here's the thing...

Did you know that people can reject success or money because it is not familiar?

Consciously you may want it but subconsciously if it’s massively different to where you are now it is unfamiliar and therefore your mind may reject it as it moves you from what is safe and known to what is unfamiliar.

I know, unbelievable yet believable because it's true.

Not only that, those things many of us were told when we were little like:

"Money doesn't grow on trees"

"Rich people are greedy"

"Money is the root of all evil"

Are not only limiting but they are damn right damaging... damaging to our financial health.

That's why it's so important to do the work to change the beliefs...

With the money blocks workshop you’ll bring awareness to the thought's that are really getting in your way

and why that old pattern of having just enough money no matter what is still with you no matter how much more money you make in your business!

The aim is to change the beliefs so that over time you get to feel safe making money knowing there is always more to come, managing it without subconsciously getting rid of it and then growing it so that you may help others or whatever it is you want to do with it when you have surpluses of the stuff cha-ching!

It can be done.

I'm doing this work diligently myself because I understand how important it is and I invite you to come along with me for this

2-hour online workshop.

Messages from previous workshops with Paula:

Date & Times:

Sunday 29th September

7-9pm GST, 4-6pm GMT

10-12pm CST, 11-1pm EST

8-10am PST 

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Frequently Asked Questions

You said this is ADHD friendly, what does this mean?

This means that I am giving accomodations to people with ADHD such as:

Stretch breaks throughout

Visuals on screen as I speak

Interaction through discussion

We'll complete the work in session ie bodydoubled.

I love the idea of this workshop but unfortunately I can't make it, will this be recorded?

Unfortunately because of the nature of the topic, some of the things we discuss may be private so this will not be recorded.

Please let me know tho if this affects you as I may create this as a self-study course in future and if I do, you'll be the first to know!

Can anyone come or is it just open to those with ADHD?

This is open to any person who is or identifies with being female brain type doesn't matter.