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AQA A Level Psychology Attachment Essay Plans

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AQA A Level Psychology Essay Plans for Attachment


Caregiver-infant interactions in humans: reciprocity and interactional synchrony. Stages of attachment identified by Schaffer. Multiple attachments and the role of the father.

Animal studies of attachment: Lorenz and Harlow.

Explanations of attachment: learning theory and Bowlby’s monotropic theory. The concepts of a critical period and an internal working model.

Ainsworth’s ‘Strange Situation’. Types of attachment: secure, insecure-avoidant and insecure-resistant. Cultural variations in attachment, including van Ijzendoorn.

Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation. Romanian orphan studies: effects of institutionalisation.

The influence of early attachment on childhood and adult relationships, including the role of an internal working model.

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