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Meat Producers Guide To 2000 - Step By Step Guide

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Unlock the Secrets to Self-Sufficiency with the Meat Producers Plan to 2000 Pounds! Imagine transforming just 250 square feet of your homestead into a thriving source of fresh, home-raised meat.

Our comprehensive PDF guide, Meat Producers Plan to 2000 Pounds (enough for a family of four to have over 1 pound of meat a day for a year), is set up to walk you through every stage of meat production. From selecting the right animals to optimizing your space and resources, this guides guesswork out of the process and provides clear, actionable steps.

What Is Covered:

  1. Detailed breakdown of how many of each species to raise and how much meat to expect off each.
  2. Recommended breeds for each meat project.
  3. Supplies for daily care.
  4. Housing size recommendations and links to construction plans.
  5. Feed to meat rasio for each meat project.
  6. Tips to find the livestock needed.
  7. Process to evaluate your results and make changes where needed.

What this guide is not.

  1. A care guide for each livestock project. - (But free resources are linked.)
  2. How to butcher each species.

Format: PDF Step-by-Step Guide

Purpose: Guide to produce 2000 pounds of meat for your family raising hogs, meat chickens, and rabbits.

Space Requirement: As little as 250 square feet

Accessing the Meat Producers Plan to 2000 Pounds is simple and straightforward. Once you make a purchase in our digital shop, you will receive an immediate download link to the PDF guide. This allows you to start planning and implementing your meat production strategy ASAP. 

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