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The King's Archer E-Book

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The Enemy let loose a bone-chilling laugh. "I can only be killed by one with family blood of the King. And clearly you are not part of that line."

Ruana felt like she had never known fear until that moment.

Ruana Laymar. A wild, somewhat reckless girl with a heart of gold who lives to play music and fire arrows. Unfortunately, growing up deep in the Mareme hinterlands left her with little chance of becoming as great as her talents could allow. But, one day a woman from the outside tells her of Crenn Riaeth, a land ruled by a good king where all one needs to become great is bravery and excellence. Along with her eclectic companions, Ruana decides to make the journey, despite the obstacles. Come along for an adventurous tale of unexpected discoveries, authentic friendship, and courageous loyalty.

This is the first book of the Crenn Riaeth series.

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Customer Reviews


Verified Buyer

3 months ago

Excellent Adventure Novel

M. Ashley vividly tells the tale of a great adventure about Ruana and Alepp and friends in their journey to the land of the king. The reader is brought into the adventure and gets to experience the twists and turns on the way. Excellent novel!

Lisa C.

Verified Buyer

6 months ago

Love this book!

A fantasy novel with twists and turns that made me want to keep reading!
The characters are relatable to young people and the descriptions draw the reader into the world of Ruana and Alepp. A lesson or two just might be learned a long the way.
Highly recommend!