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Summary of the book "When to Trust Experts "(Distinguishing between Real Science and Pseudoscience in Education)

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How can we differentiate between science based on real studies and pseudoscience? What factors or actions do we commit and are exploited by scammers to persuade us? And what are their most famous techniques? And what do we do to make sure that studies outside our field of specialization are correct?
You will find the answers to the above questions in the Summary of the book "When to Trust Experts "(Distinguishing between Real Science and Pseudoscience in Education)

About this book:
We live in an age where we are directly and continuously exposed to systematic images outside of our perception, with the aim of persuading us to believe an idea or to do a certain action, and the easiest way to convince us is to dress these images in the garb of serious and reliable science, and we are often deceived by false science or false claims, but it is too late to let these thoughts affect our behavior and make dangerous decisions, such as what this book focuses on issues such as education, so how can we differentiate between science based on Real studies and between pseudoscience?
To whom is this book:
For those interested in the field of education.
For those interested in scientific research.
For those looking for the principles of modern science and its methods of work
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