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Reasoning: Twenty Stories - Rob Mimpriss (epub)

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Reasoning: Twenty Stories is the first of a series of three collections by Rob Mimpriss. It will be followed by For His Warriors and Prayer at the End.

An old man tries to assess his own guilt in the marriage his teenage daughter has destroyed. A young man tries to understand why, in the same family, he should be both hated and loved. A seventeenth-century Puritan preacher and a Cardiff woman facing divorce unite in their call to ‘know your innermost heart,’ while a Romanian dissident under Ceauşescu and a Welsh-language activist find themselves outwardly liberated but inwardly still in chains.

‘Through the stealthy movements of his prose, Rob Mimpriss enacts the quiet enigma of people’s lives and relationships. The result is an understated fiction of compelling intensity.’

Prof. M Wynn Thomas

‘A quiet writer with a loud voice… I’ll be listening for more.’

Michael Nobbs,

‘if readers want stories that will provoke a great deal of musing on family dynamics, Mimpriss’ collections can be counted upon. The writer tugs at run-of-the-mill scenes and gleans details that morph from ordinary to expressive before the readers’ eyes. Bleak as they may be, these are honest fragments of the human condition and Mimpriss’ pensive eloquence is to be credited.’

Sophie Baggott, New Welsh Review

‘A powerful mixture of intelligence and percipience.’

Roger Granelli

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