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The Orthodox Word #16-17

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The Orthodox Word #16-17
149 The Icons of the Great Feasts: The Nativity of Christ by S. V. Bulgakov
155 St. Philaretos the Almsgiver
167 The Miraculous Icons of the Mother of God: The Kazan Mother of God by Vadim Wright
173 The Miracles of Father Herman of Alaska
177 The Orthodox Spiritual Life: The Spiritual
Instructions of St. Seraphim of Sarov (I-VII)
182 Orthodox Issues of the Day: Should the Church Be "In Step with the Times?" by Archbishop Averky
189 Great Orthodox Hierarchs of the 19th & 20th Centuries: Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow by Elena Kontzevich
197 The New Martyrs of the Turkish Yoke: Sts. Stamatios and John, the Brothers, and Nicholas
203 A Pilgrimage to the Orthodox Holy Places of America: The Ninth Pilgrimage
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