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The Programmer God; are we in a simulation universe?

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Are these anomalies in the physical constants evidence we are in a simulation universe?

The question as to whether our entire universe is a Matrix-style simulation is, like God, considered to be a philosophical debate, for it is presumed that it cannot be proved (or disproved). However there are anomalies in the physical constants that appear to constitute evidence that we are in a simulation (they cannot be explained by a physical universe). Furthermore they suggest coding and this implies a Programmer. From these anomalies we can reverse engineer parts of the Programmer’s source code. This text is a discussion of that source code.

Reader should note that any candidate for a Programmer-God simulation-universe source code (including the code described here) must satisfy these conditions;

1. It can generate physical structures from mathematical forms.
2. The sum universe is dimensionless (for it is simply data on a celestial hard disk).
3. We must be able to use it to derive the laws of physics (because the source code is the origin of the laws of nature, and the laws of physics are our observations of the laws of nature).
4. The mathematical logic must be unknown to us (the Programmer is a non-human intelligence).
5. The Programmer has 'God'-level programming skills, and so we may anticipate elegant solutions to complex problems.

The ancestor simulation proposes that an advanced civilization could simulate our universe, but there is a base reality (a planet upon which this civilization began). Conversely, a deep-universe (Programmer God) simulation begins with the big bang and constructs the universe in its entirety, down to the smallest detail, which at our present level of knowledge is the Planck scale (if an atom was the size of the entire universe, then Planck length would be the size of a tree, that's how small the Planck scale is -Brian Greene).

In this deep-universe model, at the Planck scale the units for Mass, Length, Time and Charge are embedded into geometrical objects which can then be combined Lego-style to form more complex objects; from electrons to galaxies, via a mathematical relation between the object units (kg, m, s, A, K), and it is this relationship which, according to physics, cannot be (we cannot measure distance in kilograms and amperes or mass in length and temperature) ... yet embedded within the physical constants (G, h, c, e, me, kB) is evidence of this relationship, and so this simulation hypothesis is easy to prove.
Physical constant anomalies

From this unit relationship we can embed the physical units of mass, length and time within mathematical structures, the formula for the electron is an example, not only does this dimensionless geometrical formula embed the physical parameters of the electron (mass, wavelength, frequency, charge), it also dictates their properties.

And so if the electron is a mathematical particle, and our universe is a construct of mathematical particles, then our universe a mathematical universe.

This book is an overview of the source code, links to the mathematics of this model can be found at this site;

Because of the large number of formulas and diagrams, the eBook does not use free flow, instead it is a series of images and so may not be suitable for some epub readers.

2024 edition
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