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A Solo Traveler's Handbook

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Hey, I'm Jessica Ufuoma and I believe everyone should travel solo at least once. Stop waiting for your friends to travel with you, find your own path and flourish. Your time is precious and you CAN see the world and have an amazing time, make new friends and create new memories, by yourself. 

What you will learn

Why you need to travel solo
How to build confidence around traveling solo
How to prepare for a solo trip (plan a solo trip with ease - a step-by-step guide for those who don't know where to start.)
How to stay safe while traveling solo and mistakes to avoid
How to take beautiful photos while traveling solo
How to afford a solo trip 
Avoid being lonely, meet new friends, have fun on a solo trip
How to choose the right destination for a solo trip
This is a detailed guide but easy to read and implement. Once you are done reading this book, you'll not only want to take a solo trip, you'll feel confident about doing it and learn how to enjoy yourself. 


If you've never heard the concept of solo travel, it is the act of traveling alone and while this may sound like a wild concept to some, it is actually becoming really popular by travelers who are just tired of waiting for their friends to be ready to see the world with them.

This is why I created the Solo Traveler's Handbook for people who want to travel solo but aren't sure where to start from or even the right way to go about it. After traveling to 23 countries myself, including countries like Thailand, Colombia, Japan, Peru, Costa Rica, and more - I've definitely picked up a lot of tips on the best way to go about it, mistakes to avoid and how to stay safe - in this book, I share it all. Check out a preview.

Who takes my pictures?

One of my frequently asked questions is how I'm able to take photos of my trips when traveling solo. I break down in detail my exact process in this book. Anyone can do it and you can achieve stunning photos even while traveling by yourself.

PS: This is an e-book so once you purchase, you get a PDF copy in your inbox and you can start reading and learning today. If you run into any issues, don't hesitate to contact me.

Canceled plans suck!

Maybe there's somewhere you've always wanted to go to and you've been planning with your friends for years. Time is finite and life is happening right now. Once it is safe to do so, hopefully, you and your friends can travel somewhere cool but if not, you'll be ready to go on the trip regardless and with this guide, you will feel more prepared than ever to take the leap. The world is waiting. Are you ready?

PS: This is an e-book so once you purchase, you get a PDF copy in your inbox and you can start reading and learning today. If you run into any issues, don't hesitate to contact me.
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