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Signal Loss eBook

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Truth may not be the ONLY Casualty...

In the ruins outside the walled city of Haven, Mark Sears uncovers a truth that could liberate his people - or doom them forever. The governing Council has lied about the wastelands being uninhabitable, for reasons sinister and unknown.

Mark's desperate attempts to reveal the Council's deception through underground radio transmissions put him in the crosshairs. Now a fugitive stalked by ruthless enforcers, Mark races against time to share the shocking truth before being silenced forever. 

Meanwhile in Haven, Alex masters his own dangerous quest to unveil the rot lurking beneath the Council's polished veneer. Through archived secrets and restricted data, he discovers the Council has been manipulating citizens, twisting truths to tighten their authoritarian grip.

Outlawed and hunted, both Mark and Alex sacrifice everything to expose the Council's insidious brainwashing of the populace. But powerful forces aim to bury both courageous men along with their seditious truths. 

In a chilling future where facts are fluid and freedom precarious, can their revelations take root quickly enough to topple the despots before their oppressive system snuffs out the light of hope? Or will unhinged tyranny plunge Haven into darkness eternal?

The odds are stacked against them, but Mark and Alex cannot surrender - too much depends on wrestling truth from the Council's smothering shroud of lies.

The fight for freedom is never without sacrifice.

But some causes are worth dying for.

Uncover The Truth - Download it now.

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